General Electric Power Transformers

E-Book Overview

“With more than 4,100 power transformers installed world-wide, Prolec GE has the ideas, engineering and manufacturing expertise to design, build, optimize and deliver solutions that do precisely what I need, and more.”
Experience and resources to build the right solutions for you With more than 30 years of experi-ence, Prolec GE knows how to build reliable transfor mers. But we give you more than high-quality hardware, because we also know how to work with customers to design, build, test, install and maintain transformer solutions that outper for m your expectations for a lifetime. We became one of the world’s largest transformer suppliers by focusing our unsurpassed resources on identifying and addressing our customers’ chal-lenges, today and into the future. With transformers installed in nearly 40 countries on five continents, we know what it takes to meet your power needs anywhere on the planet.

E-Book Content

Power requirements. Application flexibility. Technology breakthroughs. Budget realities. Efficiency gains. Environmental advantages. Complete solutions to energize your success. “With more than 4,100 power transformers installed worldwide, Prolec GE has the ideas, engineering and manufacturing expertise to design, build, optimize and deliver solutions that do precisely what I need, and more.” Individual solutions for worldwide needs Experience and resources to build the right solutions for you With more than 30 years of experience, Prolec GE knows how to build reliable transformers. But we give you more than high-quality hardware, because we also know how to work with customers to design, build, test, install and maintain transformer solutions that outperform your expectations for a lifetime. We became one of the world’s largest transformer suppliers by focusing our unsurpassed resources on identifying and addressing our customers’ challenges, today and into the future. With transformers installed in nearly 40 countries on five continents, we know what it takes to meet your power needs anywhere on the planet. We can make Power Transformers work better for you. A complete line of Power Transformers The breadth and depth of our design and manufacturing capabilities make Prolec GE your one-stop choice for any power transformer need. Our line includes: Generator Step Up Transformers MVA 3ϕ or 500 MVA 1ϕ 550 kV (1675 kV BIL) ● 50 or 60 Hz ● LTC or DETC in HV ● 1000 ● Transformer technology, manufacturing expertise and top-grade materials – delivering every day Our state-of-the-art manufacturing and testing operations are among the top facilities in the world. A completely new manufacturing bay completed in 2009 gives Prolec GE even greater capabilities. With the very latest manufacturing advances and leading-edge testing, we can build performance and reliability advantages into every transformer. “Quality control and continuous improvement is part of everybody’s job.” Autotransformers Substation & Auxiliary Transformers Shunt & Neutral Reactors MVA 3ϕ or 600 MVA 1ϕ ● 550 kV (1675 kV BIL) ● 50 or 60 Hz ● LTC in HV or LV, or DETC in HV ● 1000 MVA 3ϕ or 500 MVA 1ϕ ● 230 kV (1050 kV BIL) ● 50 or 60 Hz ● LTC in HV or LV, or DETC in HV ● 50 ● 1200 MVAr 1ϕ 550 kV (1450 kV BIL) ● 50 or 60 Hz ● Powered by Professionals We work hard to make Prolec GE a good place to work. So our employees work harder to deliver for you. Extensive training and internal certification ensure you have a talented, experienced and highly qualified team building your transformer. Our commitment to personnel development and performance rewards has res
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