E-Book Overview

With the help of Joseph Tatsey. - Amsterdam: Johannes Müller, 1912. X, 264 p.
The texts contained in this volume were collected by me during a second stay in Blackfoot reservation, from June 8th till September 17th 1911. I am indebted for them to several story-tellers, Indians of very different ages and degrees of mental development, but most of them ready enough to help a stranger from across the ocean, interested in their future as well as in their romantic past.

E-Book Content

olin) 5L3HM AX Huntington Free Library Native American Collection CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 097 762 193 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924097762193 , A new FROM THE SOUTHERN series of texts BLACKFOOT RESERVATION TETON CODNTY MONTANA PElGilNS WITH THE HELP OF COLI^ECTED Bkkfoof SE PH T ATSET J AND PUBLISHED WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BT C. C. UHLENBECK. Napiu annauk. Vcrhandelingcn der Koninklijke Akadcmie van Wetcnscliappen AFDEELIKG LETTERRUNDE. N LEU WE REEKS. DEEL XIII N°. 1. AMSTERDAM JOHANNES MULLBR. 191.2. FBODEHICK W. HODQE CaLLEOTIOt* te Amslvrdam. , PREFACE. The texts contained in this volume were collected by a second stay in Blackfoot reservation, from June 8"" 17* 1911. ber am I me till during Septem- indebted for them to several story-tellers, Indians of very different ages and degrees of mental development, but most of them ready enough to help a stranger from across the ocean , interested in their future as well as in their romantic past. . From stories, appear, to me the following that in only one list and who acted I from see, whom I got the It will a few exceptions Joseph Tatsey explained with English, what was told by himself or by other persons in their native language. In he can each special case as interpreter. in some cases, not especially mentioned, assisted me also by repeating the words of an informant, that might write them down at my ease. How the ancient Peigans lived. Told by Blood (Kainaikoan) interpreted by Tatsey. How Blood, iliey with chased the the help of buffalo. Communicated by Tatsey and White-quiver grass-bull (Otsimmokuistamik), interpreted (Ksiksinopa) and Green- by Tatsey. Hoio their lodges were made. Communicated by Tatsey, with the help of Elie Gardepie and Green-grass-bull, interpreted by Tatsey. on the societies. Based on Blood's knowledge of the subcommunicated and interpreted by Tatsey. The Doves and the Braves. Told by Blood, interpreted by ]S!ote ject, , Tatsey. CMld-birth. Told and interpreted by Tatsey. Marriage. Told and interpreted by Tatsey. Death and hereafter. Told and interpreted by Tatsey. Medieine-men. Told by Blood, completed and interpreted by Tatsey. Snowhlindness.
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