The Odissi Dance Path Finder (vol. Ii)

E-Book Overview

Odissi Research Centre, Bhubaneswar, 1988. — 68 p., illustrations.
Authors: Pt. Nilamani Misra, Pt. Bhubaneswar Misra, Padmabhusan Kelu Charan Mohapatra, Smt. Padmashree Sanjukta Panigrahi, Sikata Das, Suresh Ch. Kar Illustrations by Brindaban Sahu.
Till date for odissi style there had been no accepted basic training principles in written form. The government of Orissa through the Odissi Research Centre undertook to fill up this gap. This book lays the fundamental principles of Odissi dance, and it is an excellent resource for the beginner and advanced Odissi student. This publication could be ascribed like an Alphabet Primer in relation to Academic Education, and would serve the purpose of imparting a uniform mode of instruction to the thousands of young odissi dance students.

E-Book Content

Preface presentation from If the Odissi Dance Path Finder aspired to the role of an alphaba te Primer, this second dance form. Odissi Res earch Centre aspires to delinea te the vocabul ary and kinetic phraseo logy of the body units may be 1. Proport ionate, Organic, Aesthet ic arrange ment or coalesc ence of basic ingredients of human defined as a still point. of the dancer to rev el 2. In one way it is an animatio n of temple friezes or scu lpturesq ue poses allowing the body in the glory of its own being, of its own form. word after another, 3. Responding to the rhythm and beat of the moveme nt. the dancer release s one vibrant a~ a mobile point. sometimes combining to a phrase - but often self-suf fising as a wholeso me word may be define;:' hind this is two This book has also attempted nomenc latures for both still and mobile points. The rat ionalabe as a tool for impartfold· for purpose s o f codifica ti on & fixati on of styli sti c and stance norms and secondl y fo r use both caus e and effect ing training both oral and vi sual. The nomenc lature as well as the explana tory 'Sloka' are and have an intransi c link with physica l posture and stance. of any cla ssical This book con tinues the pursuit of stylistic puri ty which is indispen sable in th e learning of what is possible in dance form; withou t it. no training is complet e. The book also encompasses about half be complet ing it in our naming and elabora ting the gamut of still and mobile points. It is our hope that we would next publicat ion. i Mishra, I wi s~i to acknow ledge the con siderab le help given to the crafting of this book to Pandit Nilaman Panigra hi, Sikata Das, Pandit Bhuban eswar Misra, Padmab husan Kelu Charan Mohapa tra, Padmashree Sanjukta terms in Sanskri t) Brindaban Sahu, Bhagira thi Sahu & Suresh Ch. Kar (who compos ed the explana tory verse Last, but not the least to Sri M.M. Mohant y & Sharane Lowen who rendered it in English . l

E-Book Information

  • Pages In File: 69

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 57

  • Library: twirpx

  • Commentary: 1,969,030

  • Org File Size: 5,768,347

  • Extension: pdf

  • Tags: Искусство и искусствоведение Искусство танца Искусство восточного танца

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