The Almaty Metro Ring-radial Network (prospects Of Creation And Integration In The Urban Public Transport System)

E-Book Overview

London / Almaty: Research Department, 2014. — 156 p.: figures, tables. — ISBN 978-601-06-2758-1.
The Book discusses issues of improving the availability of public transport in the Kazakhstan's largest city on the basis of the Metro intensive development. Planning features of the Almaty city and the specificity of the Public Transport functioning determine the optimal variant of the Metro development – the formation of a Radial-Ring network. Gradually implemented scheme of the Off-street transport forms convenient for passengers system of various types of Public and Private Transport integration. It helps to solve a significant number of existing and potential Transport problems, Socio-economic development tasks and Environmental problems in the city of Almaty. The list of references includes 253 titles; going through the text illustrations are 31 Author’s drawings. The Book is intended for specialists in fields of the Public Transport, the Urban Planning and the Environmental Protection.

E-Book Content

*** Gleb K.Samoilov THE ALMATY METRO RING-RADIAL NETWORK (Prospects of creation and integration in the Urban Public Transport system) London – Almaty 2014 * *** Gleb K.Samoilov THE ALMATY METRO RING-RADIAL NETWORK (Prospects of creation and integration in the Urban Public Transport system) London – Almaty 2014 * УДК 625.42, 656.078.1 ББК 39.112 С 17 С 17 Samoilov G.K. THE ALMATY METRO RING-RADIAL NETWORK (Prospects of creation and integration in the Urban Public Transport system). – London / Almaty: Samoiloff Ltd Research Department, 2014. – 156 p.: figures, tables. ISBN 978-601-06-2758-1 Самойлов Г.К. АЛМАТЫ МЕТРОПОЛИТЕННІҢ РАДИАЛ-САҚИНАЛЫҚ ЖЕЛІ (Мүмкіндік Жасаулар және Қалалық қоғамдық көліктерінің жүйесіне бірлесу). – Лондон / Алматы: Samoiloff Ltd Зерттеуші бөлім, 2014. – 156 б.: суреттер, кестелер; ағылшын тілі. ISBN 978-601-06-2758-1 Самойлов Г.К. РАДИАЛЬНО-КОЛЬЦЕВАЯ СЕТЬ АЛМАТИНСКОГО МЕТРОПОЛИТЕНА (Перспективы создания и интеграции в систему городского общественного транспорта). – Лондон / Алматы: Samoiloff Ltd Исследовательский отдел, 2014. – 156 с.: иллюстрации, таблицы; англ.яз. ISBN 978-601-06-2758-1 The Book discusses issues of improving the availability of public transport in the Kazakhstan's largest city on the basis of the Metro intensive development. Planning features of the Almaty city and the specificity of the Public Transport functioning determine the optimal variant of the Metro development – the formation of a Radial-Ring network. Gradually implemented scheme of the Off-street transport forms convenient for passengers system of various types of Public and Private Transport integration. It helps to solve a significant number of existing and potential Transport problems, Socio-economic development tasks and Environmental problems in the city of Almaty. The list of references includes 253 titles; going through the text illustrations are 31 Author’s drawings. The Book is intended for specialists in fields of the Public Transport, the Urban Planning and the Environmental Protection. В Монографии рассмотрены вопросы повышения доступности сети общественного транспорта крупнейшего города Казахстана на основе интенсивного развития Метрополитена. Планировочные особенности города Алматы и специфика функционирования различных видов общественного транспорта определяют оптимальный вариант развития Метро – формирование радиально-кольцевой сети. Поэтапно реализуемая схема внеуличного транспорта формирует удобную для пассажиров систему интегрирования различных видов общественного и личного транспорта. Это позволяет решить значительное количество существующих и потенциальных транспортных проблем, задач социально-экономического развития и охраны окружающей среды в городе Алматы. Пе
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