Comparative Analysis Of The Legal Aspects Of Nagorno Karabakh Republic Independence And The Independence Of Republic Of Kosova

E-Book Overview

In the article it’s being discussed the issue of self-determination and conflicts related with them that occurred after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The cases of study are the conflicts in Karabakh and Kosovo. As a kind of comparison in the article the legal aspects of the declarations of independence by the people of the regions are being studied. This comparison is done in the context of the International Court of Justice advisory opinion 2010 regarding Kosovo independence. So we discuss the provisions of the ICJ advisory opinion of 2010 and speculate whether they are general for all the coinciding situations or private for a certain situation in Kosovo.

E-Book Content

National question in Central Europe: Democratic responses to unresolved national and ethnic conflicts International Conference - 22−24 March, 2013 Editor | András Lőrincz Published by | Institute for Cultural Relations Policy Executive Publisher | Csilla Morauszki ICRP Geopolitika Kft., Gyöngyösi u. 45., Budapest [email protected] ISBN 978-615-5432-00-2 © ICRP 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic type, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the copyright holders. ICRP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NATIONAL QUESTION IN CENTRAL EUROPE: DEMOCRATIC RESPONSES TO UNRESOLVED NATIONAL AND ETHNIC CONFLICTS BUDAPEST, 22–24 MARCH 2013 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Institute for Cultural Relations Policy NATIONAL QUESTION IN CENTRAL EUROPE TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................... 5 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS’ PAPERS OLGA GYÁRFÁŠOVÁ: A Pladoyer for Diversity – National Identity Questions, and Ethnic Minority Issues Instrumentalised by Politics ............................................................... 6 LIA POP: Rroma people in the Romanian national elections, 2012 ............................................................. 19 ETHNIC MINORITY ISSUES IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE DADIANA CHIRAN: Roma-Minority Economic Empowerment? An Analytic Assessment of the Nexus between Welfare State Efficiency and Poverty Entrapment. Perspectives from Hungary and Romania ........................................... 39 ALEKSANDAR RAIČ – SUZANA KUJUNDŽIĆ OSTOJIĆ: Bunjevci and Croats in Serbia: Problem of democratic solution of an ignored ethnic conflict ................................................... 121 JUBJANA VILA: Kin Ethnic Group’ Mobilisation: Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and Macedonia ............................................................................. 135 LULZIM MURTEZANI: Prejudices as a Potential Source of Ethnic Conflicts among the Young: Strategies for Dealing with Conflict in the School Environment ................................................ 148 YULIYA BILETSKA: “Clash of Memories”: Ethic Identities and Interethnic Relations in Crimea ............................. 153 NATIONAL IDENTITY QUESTION IN CENTRAL EUROPE DANKO ALEKSIĆ – VLADIMIR ĐORĐEVIĆ: Nationality (Citizenship) vs. Ethnicity. Clash of Identities in Bosnia and Herzegovina ......................................................................... 155 DANIELA JAVORICS: The National Question in Western Hungary around the First World War, or how People Start to Question their Identity .......................................................................... 165 SÁNDOR FÖLDVÁRI: Serbian National Awak
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