Resource Potential Of Africa And Russia’s National Interests In The Xxi Century

E-Book Overview

Moscow, 2010. — 212 p.
The book represents an analysis of the past experience, the existing state and possible future scenarios of cooperation between Russia and African countries in developing their natural resource potentials. Written by recognized Russian experts on African economies, Prof. Leonid Fituni and Dr. Irina Abramova, it lays out a blueprint for a new cooperation strategy, which answers national interests of the Russian Federation and facilitates the achievement of the development goals by African countries. The authors named it Project RUSSAFRICA.

E-Book Content

ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Dr. IRINA ABRAMOVA is Deputy Director of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and an Associate Professor. She graduated from the Moscow State University (MGU) and received her PhD from the Institute of African Studies. She is a leading expert on problems of African economic and population development in the Academy’s Department of Global Problems and International Relations. She also taught at a number of Universities in Russia, Germany and Switzerland. Dr. I. Abramova is the author of over 110 publications including the following books: INTERNET and Africa: Parallel Realities (2001), Arab City on the Eve of the New Millennium (2005), Emerging and Failing States in the World Economy and Politics (2007), African Migration: an Exercise in Systems Analysis (2009), Germany in Africa: Reconciling Business and Development (2009, co-authored), Population of Africa in the New Global Economy (2010). Prof. LEONID FITUNI has been Director of the Centre for Strategic and Global Studies since 1992. He is also Full Professor, Chair of Asian and African Economies, Moscow State University (MGU) and Deputy Director, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. He has over 20 years’ experience as a consultant and adviser with international organizations including the Council of Europe, Bank for International Settlements, World Bank and the UN. His academic interests cover a wide range of problems of strategic studies, global finance, geopolitics, and African development. He is the author of 27 books and over 160 articles and chapters in books published in 17 countries. His more important books include: Economics of International Terrorism, (2009); Emerging and Failing States in the World Economy and Politics (2007), International Experience in Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (2005), Shadow Turnover of Funds and Capital Flight (2003), Financial Monitoring (2002), International Capital Flows in the Globalized World (2000), World Economy. A University Course (1998), volumes on economic development of Angola, Mozambique, Morocco and other countries. RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE FOR AFRICAN STUDIES Leonid FITUNI and Irina ABRAMOVA RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF AFRICA AND RUSSIA’S NATIONAL INTERESTS IN THE XXI CENTURY Moscow 2010 330.324.22 330.123.72 351.823.003 339.92: 339.982 Recommended for publication by the Scientific Council of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences L. Fituni, I. Abramova Resource Potential of Africa and Russia’s National Interests in the XXI Century. – Moscow, 2010, 212 p. The book represents an analysis of the past experience, the existing state and possible future scenarios of cooperation between Russia and African countries in developing their natural resource potentials. Written by recognized Russian experts on African economies, Prof. Leonid Fituni and Dr. Irina Abramova, it lays out a blueprint for a new cooperation strategy, which answers national interests of the Russian Federation and facilitates the achievement of the development goals by African countries. The authors named it Project RUSSAFRICA. ., . - XXI
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