Science And Education: Materials Of The Iv International Research And Practice Conference. Vol. I / материалы международной научно-практической конференции наука и образование. часть 1

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Munich, October 30rd – 31st, 2013 / Munich: Publishing office Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg, Germany, 2013. – 396 p.
The collection of materials of the IV international research and practice conference Science and Education is the research and practice edition. It gives an opportunity for scientists and experts to get acquainted with achievements of the priority directions of modern science, to show the results of the researches, to exchange experience, to publish scientific articles that will promote productive scientific work, realization of creative potential, origin of new ideas and establishment of friendly relations and possibilities for cooperation. It includes the scientific articles of students, postdoctoral students, graduate students, research scientists of higher education institutions.
В сборник включены статьи из разных областей знаний. Часть 1: физика и математика, биология, технические науки, сельскохозяйственные, экономические, юридические, медицинские. Большинство статей написано на русском языке. На английском дается чаще всего только заглавие статьи.
<strong>Preface <strong>Physics and mathematics <em>Andreev А.F., Andreeva I.А. Phase portraits of one else new family of cubic systems in a Poincare circle <strong>Biological sciences <em>Abitayeva G.K., Bekenova N.E., Akhmetova G.N., Anuarbekova S.S., Almagambetov K.Kh. Influence of medical plants’ Extracts on probiotic microorganisms <em>Chekurov I.V., Abramova L.L. Laws of adaptive remodeling of thyrocites’ Ultrastructures of rabbits in iodine deficiency <em>Nifontova O.L., Privalova A.G., Karbainova Yu.V., Tankenov A.S., Konkov V.Z., Melnikova K.S. ST-interval of learners of Yugra of age from 7 to 17 years old in accord with standard electrocardiography <em>Sibirkina A.R. Biogeochemical features of the content of heavy metals in the sands of a pine forest Semipalatinsk area <em>Vishnevskaya T.Ja., Abramova L.L. Morphofunctional characteristics of the spleen and dynamics of rabbit blood indexes under stress and its correction with «Roncoleukin» <em>Yastreb O.V. Content of phosphor in the ground and dactylis glomerata l. in the Kaliningrad region <strong>Technical sciences <em>Aripov M.M., Muhamediyeva D.K. Numerical modeling of population tasks with nonlocal nonlinearity <em>Аskarova A., Bolegenova S., Bekmukhamet A., Maximov V., Beketayeva M., Ospanova Sh. Numerical research of conventional combustion mode <em>Atkina V.S., Nikishova A.V. The study and application of artificial intelligence technologies for training specialists in the field of information security <em>Belous V.V., Karpenko A.P., Sokolov N.K. Synthesis of optimal learning trajectories in an adaptive learning system <em>Borisov V.V., Goncharov M.M. Modeling of the information security events based on fuzzy automata <em>Chernjavsky N.I. Recuperative impuls current generator with induсtive accumulation of energy for charging of automobile accumulations <em>Gadaborsheva T.B., Efremova G.S., Pen’kova V.V., Zahar’ina А.Y. Characteristic features of forming of an air envirnoment in enterprises depending on scope-planning and technological points <em>Galiev I.G., Khusainov R.K. Tractors performance assurance by means of their differentiation on agricular functions <em>Gimarov V.V., Dli M.I., Ivanova I.V. Local parametric algorithms as a tool of choice multi-agent system class <em>Grishchuk R.V., Pilkevich I.A., Kotkov V.I., Bordiug N.S. Synthesis and analysis of multicriterion differential gaming models and simulation models of process of cyberfalling <em>Gryadunov I.M., Radchenko S.Yu., Dorokhov D.O. Hardening technology of hollow and axisymmetric details by means of severe plastic deformation
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