Practice Examination For The Toeic Test

E-Book Overview

Publisher: Hellenic American Union, 2008 Paperback: 56 pages. Practice Examination for the TOEIC® Test is aimed at helping learners prepare for the TOEIC® Test. It includes 200 questions covering listening and reading, Transcripts of the listening tests and Answer key. The examinations provide learners with essential exam practice, familiarizing them with the format and level of the TOEIC® Test. The book can also be used for self-study. ISBN: 978-960-8331-61-7

E-Book Content

Practice Examination for th e T O E I C ® T e s t TOEIC® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This publication is not endorsed or approved by ETS. Distributed Free of charge by Acknowledgments This booklet could not have been written without the assistance of a great many people. We must thank the HAU faculty, who proofread the manuscript and piloted the new material in their classes. We also thank the HAU students for their hard work and suggestions for improvements. Last but not least, we must thank Leonidas-Phoebus Koskos, Managing Director of the Hellenic-American Union, for his encouragement and support at every stage of this endeavor. Edited by Christine Irvine - Niakaris, Cathrine Georgopoulou, Anne Nebel Designed by Elena Xanthi Cover designed by Kouroudis Design Studio Production Supervisor: Elena Xanthi Actors: Mary Binikou, Artemis Karras, Charalampos Kollias, Mary Anne Papageorgiou, Alexandros Seargent CREDITS: For information about ordering one or multiple copies, please contact: Hellenic American Union Didotou 17, 106 80 Athens, Greece Phone: 210 36.80.043, 210 36.80.082, 210 36.80.954, 210 36.80.900 Fax: 210 36.80.074 E-mail: [email protected] or you can visit our web site: © Hellenic American Union, 2008 All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright (N. 2121/1993) and permission should be obtained from the Hellenic American Union prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise. ISBN: 978-960-8331-61-7 Practice Examination for th e T O E I C ® T e s t TOEIC® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This publication is not endorsed or approved by ETS. Distributed Free of charge by Hellenic American Union LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Statement (C), “They’re standing near the able,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. 4 Practice Exam for the TOEIC® Test Hellenic American Union (1) (2) Practice Exam for the TOEIC® Test 5 Hellenic American Union (3) (4) 6 Practice Exam for the TOEIC® Test Hellenic American Union (5) (6) Practice Exam for the TOEIC® Test
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