English Grammar Ii - Practice

E-Book Overview

Saule, 2013. — 208 pages. The textbook "English Grammar" is intended for the junior students of the Daugavpils University. The aim of the book is to consolidate and develop students' knowledge and skills in the use of English grammar forms and structures. The book consists of two parts: "Morphology" and "Practice". Book II (part 1 and 2) includes various exercises meant for developing students' skills in the use of the grammar forms and structures described in Book I. The exercises are focused on the comprehension of the form, meaning and use of the grammar structures through reflection on the forms, their transformation and selection. Besides, each unit of Book II has translation exercises, necessary for the comparison of the corresponding English and students' native grammar constructions. It is also important to relate each grammar construction to various communicative situations in which it may occur. Thus there are special communicative exercises at the end of each unit. At the end of each section there are revision exercises, aimed at both consolidating and testing the material that has been presented in earlier chapters. ISBN: 9984-14-209-4

E-Book Content

D A U G AV P I L S U N I V E R S I T Â T E HUMANITÂRÂ FAKULTÂTE Angïu valodas katedra L. Rumjanceva, B. Kalniòa ENGLISH GRAMMAR II Practice Part 2 2013 Apstiprinâts DU Mâcîbu padomes sçdç2013. gada 17. februârî,protokols Nr. 61. Grâmata “English Grammar. Morphology” (I) un “English Grammar. Practice” (II) domâta universitâtes jaunâko kursu studentiem gramatisko iemaòu izkopðanai un tâlâkveidoðanai, kâ arî studentu komunikatîvo prasmju attîstîðanai gramatikas jomâ. Recenzenti: Dr. paed. Larisa Sardiko, Mag. paed. Aivars Dunskis ISBN – 9984–14–209–4 © DU izdevniecîba “Saule”, noformçjums, 2013 PREFACE The textbook “English Grammar” is intended for the junior students of the Daugavpils University. The aim of the book is to consolidate and develop students’ knowledge and skills in the use of English grammar forms and structures. The book consists of two parts: “Morphology” and “Practice”. Book I presents all English parts of speech, focusing on their categories and functions. The rules are illustrated with examples. Each chapter ends with comprehension questions to check students’ understanding. Besides, the questions give students a better idea of the contents of the material presented and encourage them to reflect on it. Book II (part 1 and 2) includes various exercises meant for developing students’ skills in the use of the grammar forms and structures described in Book I. The exercises are focused on the comprehension of the form, meaning and use of the grammar structures through reflection on the forms, their transformation and selection. Besides, each unit of Book II has translation exercises, necessary for the comparison of the corresponding English and students’ native grammar constructions. It is also important to relate each grammar construction to various communicative situations in which it may occur. Thus there are special communicative exercises at the end of each unit. At the end of each section there are revision exercises, aimed at both consolidating and testing the material that has been presented in earlier chapters. CONTENTS The Modal Auxiliary Verbs ......................................................... Can .................................................................................................. May ................................................................................................. Must ................................................................................................ Have (got) to ................................................................................. Be to ...............................
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