Women And Men In Kazakhstan

E-Book Overview

Astana: Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on statistics, 2010. — 100 p.
Contents: The basic indicators of gender statistics. Integrated parameters of human development. Demographic characteristics. Social characteristics. Health Care. Education. Employment and unemployment. Crime. State administration. U N Millenium Goals in Kazakhstan (gender aspect).

E-Book Content

Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on statistics WOMEN AND MEN IN KAZAKHSTAN Statistical brochure Astana 2010 «Women and men in Kazakhstan» Statistical brochure / 2010 - 100 p. Edited by A. Smailov Editorial group: U.K.Shokamanov G.Zh.Kukanova M.M.Amirhanova Codes: - phenomenon does not exist … - no data available 0,0 - insignificant amount © Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, 2010 Contents 1. The basic indicators of gender statistics......................................4 2. Integrated parameters of human development...........................5 3. Demographic characteristics..............................................................6 4. Social characteristics..........................................................................20 5. Health Care.................................................................................................34 6. Education.....................................................................................................54 7. Employment and unemployment.........................................................64 8. Crime...............................................................................................................85 9. State administration...............................................................................91 10. UN Millenium Goals in Kazakhstan (gender aspect).........................................................................................97 3 4 Coverage by elementary education, % girls boys Coverage by secondary education, % girls boys Joint part of education coverage for pupils in age of 6-24, % women men men Share of employed women among employees, % Ratio of salary of women and men, % Number of population, thous.people, at the end of the year female male Life expectancy at birth, years women men Level of economic activity, in % women men Level of unemployment, % women 95 94 95 97 97 96 76 77 74 73 74 71 45,0 61,7 45,2 58,7 94 93 94 94 94 94 7,5 14 866,8 7 706,6 7 160,2 66,00 71,52 60,70 70,1 64,9 76,0 9,3 11,2 2002 8,9 14 851,1 7 697,6 7 153,5 65,80 71,32 60,50 70,2 65,0 76,0 10,4 12,0 2001 77 79 75 96 96 97 97 97 97 45,9 60,8 7,2 14 951,2 7 752,2 7 199,0 65,85 71,48 60,47 70,0 65,0 75,6 8,8 10,4 2003 79 81 76 96 95 96 97 97 97 46,7 61,9 7,0 15 074,8 7 817,9 7 256,9 66,18 72,00 60,63 69,9 64,8 75,6 8,4 9,8 2004 79 82 76 95 95 95 96 96 96 46,5 61,8 6,7 15 219,3 7 894,5 7 324,8 65,91 71,77 60,30 69,4 64,3 75,2 8,1 9,6 2005 1.1 The basic indicators of gender statistics 1. THE BASIC INDICATORS OF GENDER STATISTICS 78 81 76 95 95 95 96 97 96 47,6 62,3 6,4 15 396,9 7 987,6 7 409,3 66,19 72,03 60,55 69,7 65,0 74,9 7,8 9,2 2006 77 80 75 94 94 94 96 96 96 47,9 65,8 5,9 15 571,5 8 079,9 7 491,6 66,34 72,58 60,70 70,4 65,7 75,6 7,3 8,7 2007 75 78 73