Discussion Process And Principles

E-Book Overview

Compass publishing, Language Solutions Incorporated, 2007. – 135 p. Discussion Process and Principles brings discussion to the classroom in a new way. It is not only about what to discuss -the topic-, but how to discuss -the approach-. Different topics require different approaches. A carpenter with only a hammer in the toolbox approaches every task the same way. In a similar way, students with only one discussion strategy, approach every discussion the same way. Discussion Process and Principles identifies several different approaches to discussion, each having its own language and discussion principle. Every unit features both a new topic and a new approach. As students fill their discussion toolbox with more and more approaches, they enjoy discussion all the more! Double your fun! Inspiring topics with exciting approaches! Each unit features: Discussion Labs that introduce the main points of the unit. Discussion Labs include: Discussion Dynamics, Diversity, Synergy, Brainstorming, Keeping an Open Mind, Thinking Outside the Box, and many more! A Discussion Principle that informs the participants' interaction in that unit s discussion. Discussion principles include: Respect Every Voice, Celebrate all Ideas, Seek first to Understand, Uncover Your Assumptions, and many more! A Discussion Phrase Bank with language to help participants implement the unit s discussion principle. Discussion Practice featuring the unit's discussion topic. Sample discussion topic: Our Disaster Relief Plan-Thinking globally, acting locally. A killer tsunami wrecks havoc through parts of Asia. How can your group help? Let s Continue the Discussion, a discussion extension with several options to exploit the vocabulary and content of the topic.

E-Book Content

」. .... .■.,『∼ 』 -..- 緇硼i Discussion Process and Principles Charles LeBeau / David Harrington Produced and published by Language Solutions Incorporated O 2007 by Michael Lubetsky, Charles LeBeau, and David Harrington All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Many of the persons, entities and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to actual persons or entities, past or present, are purely coincidental. Book Design: Language Solutions/Hiroaki Kawajiri Production: Language Solutions Cover/Interior Designs: Dammora Inc. Illustrations: Ty Semaka/Hiroaki Kawajiri Copyediting: Chris Bartlett Recorded at Sound Moves Studios Hollywood California Every effort has been made to contact all of the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. This edition reprinted and distributed in Korea by Compass Publishing http://www.compasspub.com email: [email protected] The authors and publisher would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their photographs and publications: p. 2 ⑥ NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory p. 19 ○ Charles LeBeau p. 19 ⑥ David Harrington p. 51 TIME magazine 0 YEAR Time Inc. p. 63 0 The National Baseball Hall of Fame p. 63 0 The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame pp. 35, 77, 93, 109, 116 ⑥ shutterstock Inc. ISBN 978-89-8446-519-0 1 O 97 1 O 一 8 Overview 1. The Big Picture We have divided this book into three distinct Discussion Stages: · STAGE ONE: Discussion as Sharing · STAGE TWO: Discussion as Exploring · STAGE THREE: Discussion as Decision Making 2. The Medium View Each Discussion Stage
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