The Ancient Kings Of Kwārezm. Chronology And Succession

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Статья. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan. Berlin, 2006, band 38, pp. 347-354.
Как и всякие другие монеты древней Средней Азии, монеты Хорезма не имеют абсолютных дат. Б.И. Вайнберг, которая начала изучение нумизматики Древнего Хорезма, установила только относительную хронологию ряда монет и царей. Новые нумизматические находки и тщательное изучение монет, изданных Б.И. Вайнберг, позволили скорректировать относительную хронологию и сделать ее более точной, что позволило попытаться установить абсолютную хронологию царей древнего Хорезма . Результаты этой работы представлены в данной статье.
Like other ancient coins of Central Asia, the coins of Kwārezm have no date. В. I. Vainberg, who founded the numismatics of Ancient Kwārezm, only managed to establish the relative chronology (i.e. succession) of the coin series and kings. New numismatic finds and careful study of the coins published by Vainberg allowed to correct the relative chronology and to make it more precise, so that a first attempt at establishing the absolute chronology of the ancient kings of Kwārezm became possible, which is presented in this article.

E-Book Content

The Ancient Kings of Kwārezm Chronology and succession By Michael Fedorov Keywords: Kwārezm, Kwārezmian coins, Kwārezm-Šāhs, succession, chronology Just as the typology and chronology of Sogdian coinage was created and developed through the efforts of O.I. Smirova, the science of ancient and eartymediaeval numismatics of Kwārezm was likewise created and developed through the efforts of B.I. Vainberg. She was assisted by V. A. Liwshits, who contributed greatly to the reading of the names of Kwārezmian rulers inscribed on the coins. Yet notwithstanding their efforts, the numismatics (and the history) of ancient and early-mediaeval Kwārezm remains one of the most intricate and obscure chapters in the study of the numismatics of Central Asia. Vainberg's main achievement was to establish a comparative chronology, that is, by determining which coin series preceded or followed other series. However, she failed to establish an absolute chronology for almost all of the series of Kwārezmian coins. Like other contemporary Central-Asian coins, the coins of Kwārezm had neither date nor mint name, and, as Bīrūnī 1 told us, Kwārezmian chronicles and sacred books were burned on the order of Qotayba, the Arab conqueror of Kwārezm. The monograph published by Vainberg 2 in 1977 was a genera! conclusion of her life's work. More than a quarter of a century after that no attempts had been made towards a profound comprehensive study of the ancient Kwārezmian numismatics until my articles 3 on money circulation in Ancient and Early-Mediaeval Kwārezm were published. My works were based on Vainberg's monograph. Rather like a pioneer in this field and working with such an obscure, intricate and unexplored source as ancient Kwārezmian coins, Vainberg could not escape making errors, misinterpretations and omissions (to some degree the same applies to my articles of 2004 and 2005 as well). After a year had elapsed, I reread my articles and reconsidered some topics in the light of new monetary finds 4. Thereby, I noted that some facts had escaped me before; I arrived at new conclusions and corrected some 1 Бируни 1957, 48; 63. Вайнберг 1997 3 Fedorov 2004; Fedorov 2005. 4 Бирюков 1997, 29-52; Бирюков 1998, 18-38; Бирюков 2001, 48-52; Бирюков 2002, 7-21; Сагдуллаев 2004, 36-39. omissions. Consequently, I can now provide a more precise, elaborated and substantiated chronology of the ancient Kwārezmian kings, which is actually the first attempt at an absolute (not comparative) chronology of these rulers. In some cases I also have corrected the succession of the Kwārezm-Šāhs offered by Vainberg. Unfortunately Vainberg never cared to scrutinize, st
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