Esab Visual Identity Guide

E-Book Overview

ESAB AB. Goteborg, Sweden 01.2007. 45p. ESAB’s visual identity is based on a few strong cornerstones: the logotype, our corporate colours, standard typefaces and company signage. When applied to product packaging, buildings or business cards, in exhibitions, brochures or ads, it is recognised and respected worldwide.

E-Book Content

Visual Identity Guide 2007.01.23 0ICTUREAR EA "LEEDING LEFT ANDTOP 0ICTUREAR EA "LEEDING TOP 3AMPLEHE ADLINE 0ICTUREAR EA LEFT RIGHT ANDBOTTO M "LEEDING * !BULKWIRE DEL PRODUCTIVITY IVERYSYSTEMWITHNO N STOP INROBOTAP PLICATIONS DOWNTIMEFO :ERO RSP TIMEFORDRUM OOLCHANGES:ERO DOWN CHANGES! FOLDSmATF SYSTEMTHA OREASYSTO T RAGEANDRE AFTERUSE! CYCLING NDT EVERnMILDS HEWIDESTRANGEOFWI TEELS STAIN RES LESSANDALU 7ERETALKIN MINIUM GABOUT%3! WITHTHE%ND "-ARATHO N0AC4- LESSSYSTEM  3HOULDNTW EBETALKING TOYOU 6ISITUSATW WWESABC OM  The ESAB corporate identity – our most visible binding factor In today’s increasingly tough business climate, where the technical distinctions between products can often become blurred, the global strength of the ESAB corporate identity is of growing importance in the battle for competitive advantage. A strong and consistent visual identity helps create a positive business environment for our customers, for us as employees and for our investors. Since the last review in 2000, we have refocused our business, revitalised our organisation and entered into new markets. Throughout this period the unique strength of the ESAB brand has stood to both protect us during tough times and to enhance our expansion. Our identity represents a key business asset that needs to be carefully managed and protected. It is a corporate resource that impacts on every part of our organisation. These revised guidelines take into consideration the many new forms of media, including online and display technologies we now use, as well as accommodating new style pre­ferences. The graphic interrelationships of typeface, colour and logotype result from careful considerations by professional designers and reflect the values by which we want to be recognised. If there are any situations on identity usage not covered in this manual, you should always contact Central Marketing Communications for guidance. As a global group the ESAB corporate identity is our most visible binding factor. It is a shared strength that reaches out across languages and cultures to deliver a sense of pride, unity and involvement. For that reason the ESAB visual identity can never be open to individual interpretation or modification. It is not optional. It is a mandatory part of business process. To act otherwise would gradually erode the very asset that binds us. With this understanding, I rely on all of you engaged in the production and commissioning of materials and products that carry our identity to adhere strictly to these new published guidelines. Jon Templeman CEO, ESAB Global  Content 1.0Visual identity overview 1.1 Logotype and clear zones 1.2 Corporate  colours 1.2.1 C  omplementary colours 1.3 Typography 1.4 Logotype do’s and don’ts 1.5 Trademark rules 2.0 Photography 2.1 Image tonality 2.2 Image categories 2.3 ESAB Media Bank 6.0 Press material 6.1 Press releases 7.0 Digital media 7.1 Internet 7.2 Campaign sites 7.3 Email 7.4 Multimedia 7.4.1 Templates CD/DVD covers and labels 8.0 Events and product displays 8.1 Exhibition information 8.2 Product displays 3.0 Correspondence material 3.1 Letterheads 3.2 Business cards 3.3 Envelopes 3.4 Fax 4.0 Presentations 4.1 PowerPoint® templates 5.0 Communication material 5.1 Corporate advertisements 5.2 L  ocal advertisements 5.2.1 T  emplates local advertisements 5.3 B  rochures 5.3.1 Template product brochures 5.4 Template
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