Composite Materials Handbook: Ceramic Matrix Composites. Volume 5

E-Book Overview

Department of defense handbook MIL-HDBK-17-5, 2002. 260 p. Volume 5 of 5 This handbook is for guidance only. Do not cite this document as a requirement.
This handbook documents engineering methodologies for the development of standardized, statistically-based material property data for ceramic matrix composite materials. Also provided are data summaries for a number of relevant composite material systems for which available data meet specific MIL-HDBK-17 requirements for publication. Additionally, supporting engineering and manufacturing technologies and common practices related to composite materials are summarized. It is generally understood that standardized, statistically-based, material property data are essential to an efficient engineering development process; such data are needed by material suppliers, engineering users, and system end-users alike. Since the inherent properties of materials are independent of specific applications, data development methodologies and material property data are applicable to a wide variety of industries. They also form much of the technical basis for establishment of statistically-based design values acceptable to procuring or certifying agencies. (An example of procuring agency is a branch of the U.S. Department of Defense, and an example of certifying agency is an office of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.) This evaluation of the inherent properties of ceramic matrix composite materials is the focus of MIL-HDBK-17 Volume 5. Material properties are continuously improving and those reported in this handbook are typical properties at the time of press.

E-Book Content

NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-HDBK-17-5 Volume 5 of 5 17 JUNE 2002 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HANDBOOK COMPOSITE MATERIALS HANDBOOK VOLUME 5. CERAMIC MATRIX COMPOSITES This handbook is for guidance only. Do not cite this document as a requirement. AMSC N/A AREA CMPS DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. MIL-HDBK-17-5 Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents FOREWORD 1. This Composite Materials Handbook Series, MIL-HDBK-17, are approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2. This handbook is for guidance only. This handbook cannot be cited as a requirement. If it is, the contractor does not have to comply. This mandate is a DoD requirement only; it is not applicable to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or other government agencies. 3. Every effort has been made to reflect the latest information on polymer (organic), metal, and ceramic composites. The handbook is continually reviewed and revised to ensure its completeness and currentness. Documentation for the secretariat should be directed to: Materials Sciences Corporation, MIL-HDBK-17 Secretariat, 500 Office Center Drive, Suite 250, Fort Washington, PA 19034.. 4. MIL-HDBK-17 provides guidelines and material properties for polymer (organic), metal, and ceramic matrix composite materials. The first three volumes of this handbook currently focus on, but are not limited to, polymeric composites intended for aircraft and aerospace vehicles. Metal matrix composites (MMC) and ceramic matrix composites (CMC), including carbon-carbon composites (C-C) are covered in Volume 4 and Volume 5 , respectively. 5. This standardization handbook has been developed and is being maintained as a joint effort of the Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Administration. 6. The information contained in this handbook was obtained from materials producers, industry, reports on Government sponsored research, the open literature, and by contact with research laboratories and those who participate in the MIL-HDBK-17 coordination activity. 7. All information and data contained in this handbook have been coordinate
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