E-Book Overview
USA, Institute for defense analyses, 1995. — 391 р. The handbook is a distillation in data sheet format of information about substances not widely available outside of the United States and its NATO allies that are considered to be critical for the development of advanced weapons and munitions systems.The document summarizes, updates and, to some degree, supersedes IDA Memorandum Report M-456, Foreign Capabilities Assessment ofEnergetic Materials Technology (April 1988); IDA Paper P-2391, Energetic Materials and Devices Technology Guide and Foreign Technology Assessment (October 1990); and IDA Document D-1268, Munitions Devices and Energetic Materials Technology (May 1994). It is intended as a desktop handbook for Customs Officers; Licensing, Security and Classification officials; and Research, Development and Engineering personnel. There continue to be many omissions and gaps in day-to-day knowledge of the listed substances. The template has been designed to permit the ready expansion or elimination of entries as appropriate.
E-Book Content
Handbook of Energetic Materials for Weapons Systems Including Ballistic and Cruise Missiles
Gordon Boezer L. Kirk Lewis Raymond F. Walker
September 1995 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
IDA Document D-1703 Log: H 95-046770
20010309 022
This work Was conducted under contract DASW01 94 C 0054, Task T-K2-1292, for the Defense Technology Security Administration. The publication of this IDA document does not indicate endorsement by the Department of Defense, nor should the contents be construed as reflecting the official position of that Agency. © 1995,2001 Institute for Defense Analyses, 1801 N. Beauregard Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22311-1772 • (703)845-2000. This material may be reproduced by or for the U.S. Government pursuant to the copyright license under the clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (10/88).
IDA Document D-1703
Handbook of Energetic Materials for Weapons Systems Including Ballistic and Cruise Missiles
Gordon Boezer L. Kirk Lewis Raymond F. Walker
FOREWORD The handbook is a distillation in data sheet format of information about substances not widely available outside of the United States and its NATO allies that are considered to be critical for the development of advanced weapons and munitions systems. The document summarizes, updates and, to some degree, supersedes IDA Memorandum Report M-456, Foreign Capabilities Assessment of Energetic Materials Technology (April 1988); IDA Paper P-2391, Energetic Materials and Devices Technology Guide and Foreign Technology Assessment (October 1990); and IDA Document D-1268, Munitions Devices and Energetic Materials Technology (May 1994). It is intended as a desktop handbook for Customs Officers; Licensing, Security and Classification officials; and Research, Development and Engineering personnel. There continue to be many omissions and gaps in day-to-day knowledge of the listed substances. The template has been designed to permit the ready expansion or elimination of entries as appropriate. It is apparent even from the summary data sheets that many of the listed energetic materials are increasingly available, or at least offered for sale, both within NATO and developing countries. This trend was noted in previous reports. These materials are listed because they represent the cutting edge of products covered by the U.S. Military Lists (USML), International Military List (IML), Nuclear Related Dual Use List (NDUL), and Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). What is also apparent is the widespread copying or reverse engineering of both U.S./NATO concepts and designs by other countries. Although not obvious, it is important to recognize that numerous c