Magical Mischief Jokes That Shock And Amaze

E-Book Overview

Perfect for beginning readers, this laugh-out-loud joke book about comical conjuring will put a smile on your face!

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TeAM YYeP G Digitally signed by TeAM YYePG DN: cn=TeAM YYePG, c=US, o=TeAM YYePG, ou=TeAM YYePG, [email protected] com Reason: I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document Date: 2005.05.17 08:36:49 +08'00' JOKES THAT SH OC K AN D AMAZ by Rick and Ann Walton pictures by Brian Gable t Carolrhoda Books, Inc. • Minneapolis E Q: Who had big ears, weighed seven thousand pounds, and married a handsome prince? A: Cinderelephant. Q: What did the ringmaster say when the human cannonball was shot out of the circus tent? A: “That’s going too far!” 2 Q: Why do trained seals always know what’s happening? A: Because they’re on the ball. Q: What do you call the trained seal when she claps her flippers? A: The seal of approval. Q: How do you catch a fairy? A: Grab its fairy tale. Show me a cowboy on a giraffe— And I’ll show you someone who is riding high. Q: When were clocks invented? A: Once upon a time. Q: What do you get when the tall man substitutes for the human cannonball? A: A long shot. 3 Show me a bumblebee ringing your doorbell— And I’ll show you a humdinger. Q: What race could neither the tortoise nor the hare enter? A: The human race. Show me a pig in a Porsche— And I’ll show you a road hog. Q: Why couldn’t the strong man lift Alexander Graham Bell? A: Because he could only lift dumbbells. Q: What do tightrope-walking bears do in the winter? A: Go into high-bear-nation. Q: Who does the ringmaster call when someone tries to steal the show? A: Acro-batman. 4 Show me a giant— And I’ll show you someone t
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