The Chesscafe Puzzle Book: Test And Improve Your Tactical Vision

E-Book Overview

Combines clear discussions of tactical themes with over 600 well-chosen positions to test, challenge and teach. Although the classic combinations are not ignored, the emphasis here is on positions from modern tournament practice of the last decade. Tactics is a very important part of the game of chess and conscientious study and application of tactical principles is crucial to success. This book offers every type of tactical motif imaginable, from the more common back rank mates, pins, skewers, forks, up to and including some beautiful and rare combinations. This tactical book will prove exceptionally useful for a wide range of players, intermediate through master strength and beyond.

E-Book Content

The Chess Cafe Puzzle Book Test and Improve Your Tactical Vision by Karsten Muller Foreword by Susan Polgar 2008 Russell Enterprises, Inc. Milford, CT USA The ChessCafe Puzzle Book © Copyright 2004, 2008 Karsten Muller All Rights Reserved. No part of this book maybe used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any manner or form whatsoever or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. ISBN: 1-888690-21-6 First printing 2004 Second printing 2008 Published by: Russell Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 5460 Milford, CT 06460 USA [email protected] Cover design by Pamela Terry, Opus I Design. Chess set courtesy the House of Staunton, Printed in the United States of America Contents Foreword Introduction Signs and Symbols 5 6 8 1 . Motifs Back Rank Mate The Bishop-Pair Dangerous Passed Pawn Decoy Deflection Destroying the Guard Discovered Attack Double Attack Finding the Draw Greek Gift Interference Attack on the King Vacating Lines and Squares The Mighty Knight The Pin The Skewer Trapped Pieces X-Ray Attack Zugzwang The Zwischenzug 9 15 21 25 26 36 38 42 46 50 54 56 87 89 94 99 1 02 1 05 1 06 1 09 2. Easy Exercises Ill 3. Endgames 1 45 4. Opening Traps 1 58 5. Find the Defense 1 63 6. The Five Most Beautiful Combinations 171 7. Tests 1 78 8. Solutions 232 Score Chart 302 Source/Additional Material 303 Foreword by Susan Polgar Ever since I was a young girl, I have spent time each and every day solving tactical puzzles. When my sisters started to learn the game, they did the same thing. Since then, I have taught thousands of students and I have used tactical puzzles as one of the most effective training methods. I strongly believe that tactics is a very important part of the game of chess; the con­ scientious study and application of tactical principles have helped my sis­ ters and me a great deal throughout our careers. I absolutely agree with the well-known maxim: "Chess is 99% tactics." This book by German grandmaster Karsten Muller is unique and I person­ ally like it a lot. It offers every type of tactical motif imaginable, from the more common back rank mates, pins, skewers, forks and the like up to and including some of the most beautiful and rare combinations. This is a tac­ tical book that will prove exceptionally useful for a wide range of players, intermediate through master strength and even beyond. In fact, I have worked with the puzzles in this book to keep my own game sharp. The Magic of Chess Tactics and Fundamental Chess Endings. In addition, his "Endgame I have enjoye
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