The Geography Of Genius: Lessons From The World’s Most Creative Places [EPUB]

E-Book Overview

Tag along on this New York Times bestselling “witty, entertaining romp” (The New York Times Book Review) as Eric Winer travels the world, from Athens to Silicon Valley—and back through history, too—to show how creative genius flourishes in specific places at specific times. In this “intellectual odyssey, traveler’s diary, and comic novel all rolled into one” (Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness), acclaimed travel writer Weiner sets out to examine the connection between our surroundings and our most innovative ideas. A “superb travel guide: funny, knowledgeable, and self-deprecating” (The Washington Post), he explores the history of places like Vienna of 1900, Renaissance Florence, ancient Athens, Song Dynasty Hangzhou, and Silicon Valley to show how certain urban settings are conducive to ingenuity. With his trademark insightful humor, this “big-hearted humanist” (The Wall Street Journal) walks the same paths as the geniuses who flourished in these settings to see if the spirit of what inspired figures like Socrates, Michelangelo, and Leonardo remains. In these places, Weiner asks, “What was in the air, and can we bottle it?” “Fun and thought provoking” (Miami Herald), The Geography of Genius reevaluates the importance of culture in nurturing creativity and “offers a practical map for how we can all become a bit more inventive” (Adam Grant, author of Originals).

E-Book Information

  • Year: 2,016

  • Edition: Reprint

  • Pages: 368

  • Language: English

  • Identifier: 145169167X,9781451691672

  • Org File Size: 2,639,666

  • Extension: epub

  • Tags: Creativity & Genius Psychology & Counseling Health, Fitness & Dieting Historical Study & Educational Resources Archaeology Essays Historical Geography Historical Maps Historiography Reference Study & Teaching History World Civilization & Culture Expeditions & Discoveries Jewish Religious Slavery & Emancipation Women in History History Historic Geography Earth Sciences Science & Math Travel Adventure Travel Food, Lodging & Transportation Pictorial Reference Specialty Travel Travel Writing Africa

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