On Order [de Ordine]

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O thl!( 1itlC1i of In tL...CSt from St. A.ugustine's Press St. Augustine, The 51. Al4gusline J.jfeGuide: Words to Live by from the Grellt Christian Soinl. TranSlated by Silvana Borruso Aristotle, Physiu. 0, Nlllural H earing. Tntllslated by Glen Coughlin Arisrotle. Arislotle- On Poctia. Translated by Seth 6tnardete and Michael DlIvis Michael Davis, The Poetry of Philosophy Pla to, The Symposium of PlaIa: The Sherley Translation. Translated by I'erey Byssbe Shelley Thomns Aquin:los, QJmmentary on Aristotle's N;comadu!lw Ethia Thomas Aquinas, Commenwry on Aristotle's De Anima Thomas Aquinas, Commtmtary on Aristotle's Muwphysics Thomas Aquinas, CommePllllry Oft Aristotle's Posterior Analytics Thomns Aqu illas, Comnurfltary 0 " Aristotle's Physics Thomns Aquinl1s, Djspul~d Questions 011 VirElle. Translatl!d by Ralph Mcinern y Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. TNl nslated by C hrysosrom 6ac~ o. praern . Thomas Aquinas, Comme:ntllries on 51. Paul's Epi,s,/eJ to Timothy. Tiff' S. and Philemon. Tr anslated by C hrysostom Hacc, o. I'raem. Jobn of St. Thomas, Introduction the Summa Theo/ogiae of1'homas Aqui~s. Translated by Ralph Mcinerny Seth Renardctc, Sacred TrollSgressions: A RelldiHg of Sophodts' '0 Antigollt Josef Pieper. l...ei.surc, ,he Basis of Culture Josef Pieper, Scholostieism: PersOIUJlities alld Probk.-ms Josef Pieper, The Silence of St. ThomM Franci&co SlIar~, On Crealion, CQfJSerllalton, 6- Ccncurrenu: Metllplrysical Displltations 20-22. Translated by A.J . Freddoso Francisco Suarez, Mewphysical DemOtLSlration of tlJe Existena of God. T r-.mslatcd by John P. Doyle Leo S tr~HJSS, Xenoph on's Socrates u:o Strauss, XenoplJon's Socratic Discourse: API In terpretation of the OecotJomiclIs Ronna Burger, The l'hoedo: A Platonic Labyrinth Stanlt)' Rosen, Plato's Sophist: The Drama of Original and Image Stanley Rosen, Plato's SyrnJlosiltm Stanley Rosen, Plllto's Seatc.smalt Stanley Rosen, The Ancients and the Moderns: Rethinking Modernity ON ORDER [De Ordine] St. Augustine Translation and introduciton by Si lvano Borruso ST. AUGUSUNE'S P RESS So uth Bend, Indian:1 2007 I Translation copyright © 2007 by Silvano Borruso An rights reserved. No part o£ cllis book may be reprod uced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any for m or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permi ssion of St. Augustine's Press. M anufactured in the United States of America. I 2 3 4 5 I ! ,. Contents Introdu ct ion vii 12 11 10 09 08 07 Gbrary of Congress Cat:lloging in Publication Data Augustine, Saine, Bishop of Hippo. [De ordine. English & Lacin] On order [de ordineJ St. Augustinej translated and inuoduced by Silvano Borruso. p. em. Other title: De ordine Faci ng text in Latin and English. In cludes index. ISBN 1-58731-603-X (clothbound, alk . p' pec) 1. Providence a nd government of God. 2. Good and e~ liWfy Dc ordine, II. litle, ~ BR65.A6975 P..s 2007 11 7 _ de2':/"2005029433 The paper used in this publication meets tbe minimum requirement. of the American National Standard for information Sciences - Permanence of Paper for ('rinted Materials, ANSI Z39.4 8-1984. oX) ST. AUCUSTINE'S PRl::SS www.staugustine.ner Book One First Debate One: Divine Providence rules aU Two: Dedicates the work to Zenobius Three: Whys and wherefores of the debate • Four: N othing bappens without a cause R~ Five: Cod governs everything in ordcr Six: Order encompasses cyerything Seven: God does not love evil things even if they belong to order Eight: licentius falls in love witb philosophy. En ter MOllica. The li beral arts. -" SecQt,d Debate ( .l>Nine: Order
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