Latin Linguistics And Linguistic Theory : Proceedings Of The 1st International Colloquium On Latin Linguistics Amsterdam, Apr. 1981

E-Book Overview

The articles of this collection on Latin linguistics are representative of the kind of research that is currently carried out in the field of linguistics. Most deal with syntax or sentence structure, but they vary with respect to their emphasis on theory or description. They also vary with respect to the grammatical framework with which they are formulated, with some preponderance of transformational generative approaches. All papers are well-informed about the major developments in contemporary linguistics and make extensive use of recent methods and types of argumentation. In the introduction the volume editor briefly reviews the present state of Latin linguistics, starting with a section on the question whether it is possible to conduct up-to-date linguistic research for Latin at all. To be followed by a brief sketch of the impact of recent linguistic theories on Latin linguistics in general, and in a final third section an outline is presented of the possible interest the contributions to this volume may have for linguists working on languages other than Latin

E-Book Content

LATIN LINGUISTICS AND LINGUISTIC THEORY STUDIES IN LANGUAGE COMPANION SERIES (SLCS) The SLCS series has been established as a companion series to STUDIES IN LANGUAGE, International Journal, sponsored by the Foundation "Foundations of Language". Series Editors: John W. M. Verhaar Gonzaga University Spokane, WA & Werner Abraham University of Groningen The Netherlands Volume 12 Harm Pinkster (ed.) Latin Linguistics and Linguistic Theory LATIN LINGUISTICS AND LINGUISTIC THEORY Proceedings of the 1st International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics Amsterdam, April 1981 edited by HARM PINKSTER University of Amsterdam JOHN BENJAMINS PUBLISHING COMPANY Amsterdam/Philadelphia 1983 © Copyright 1983 - All rights reserved ISSN 0165 7763 / ISBN 90 272 3011 0 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the publisher. PREFACE The papers in this volume were presented at the First International Col­ loquium on Latin Linguistics, which was organized by the Department of Latin of the University of Amsterdam in April 1981. The Colloquium was de­ voted to theoretical and Latin linguistics in their mutual relationship. This vol­ ume also contains some of the prepared comments delivered at the Collo­ quium. Two of the papers that were read have been published elsewhere, viz. A.M. Bolkestein's 'Nominativus cum Infinitivo' (in: Bolkestein, A.M. e.a. 1981 Predication and Expression in Functional Grammar, London, Academic Press, p.90-106) and K. Strunk's 'Phänomene syn- und diasystematischer 'Selektion' im Latein' (in: Festschrift H. Stimm, Tübingen, Narr, 1982). Publication of this volume was facilitated by a grant from the "Faculteit der Letteren" of the University of Amsterdam. Martsen Hepkema did most of the work of preparing the papers for publication. I thank Philip Baldi, as well as the editors of the series and the publishers, for their kind cooperation. H. Pinkster University of Amsterdam Klassiek Seminarium Oude Turfmarkt 129 1012 GC Amsterdam January 1982 T A B L E O F CONTENTS PREFACE v INTRODUCTION by H. Pinkster ix I. METHOD R. Pfister. Kompetenz in der lateinischen Syntax 3 II. SENTENCE STRUCTURE Ph. Baldi: Speech perception and grammatical rules in Latin 11 A. Bertocchi/C. Casadio: Anaphoric Relations, Pronouns and Latin Complementation 27 G. Calboli: The development of Latin (Cases and Infinitive) 41 P. de Carvalho: Le système des cas latins: aperçu d'une théorie morphosémantique 59 R.G.G. Coleman: The structure of Latin complex sentences 73 H. Fugier. Organisation syntaxique des compléments de lieu e
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