Adapted Physical Education For Students With Autism

E-Book Overview

Autism is a puzzling disorder which to date has not been discussed in sufficient detail in most adapted physical education texts. This new book shows the need for additional information. It describes autism and offers suggestions on assessment and programming for students with autism in adapted physical education/regular physical education classes. It is important for physical educators and other teachers to work together to provide the student with autism with the best possible support. No one discipline can program in isolations. Interdisciplinary approaches increase the flow of ideas and ke.

E-Book Content

ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM By KIMBERLY DAVIS, M.S. (Physical Education) Specialization in Adapted Physical Education Indiana University Institute for the Study of Developmental Disabilities Adapted Physical Education Specialist Consultant CHARLES C THOMAS • PUBLISHER Springfield • Illinois • U.S.A. Published and Distributed Throughout the World by CHARLES C THOMAS· PUBLISHER 2600 South First Street Springfield, Illinois 62794-9265 This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reprod1,lced in any manner without written permission from the publisher. 10 1990 by CHARLES C THOMAS. PUBLISHER ISBN 0-398-05688-9 (cloth) ISBN 0-398-06085- i (paper) Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 90-33488 With THOMAS BOOKS careful attention is given to all details of manufacturing and design. It is the Publisher's desire to present books that are satisfactory as to their physical qualities and artistic possibilities and appropriate for their particular use. THOMAS BOOKS will be true to those laws of quality that assure a good name and good will. Printed in the United States of America SC-R-3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Davis, Kimberly Adapted physical education for students with autism / by Kimberly Davis. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-398-05688-9. - ISBN 0-398-06085-1 (pbk.) 1. Physical education for handicapped children. children. 1. Title. 2. Autistic GV445.D34 1990 613.7'042-dc20 90-33488 CIP This book is dedicated to Heather for helping me form my views of seeing abilities rather than disabilities, possibilities rather than impossibilities, and love rather than indifference. PREFACE T his volume is the culmination of eight years of work in a research and development center for children and youth with autism at Indiana University. The program which provided the basis for this manuscript was established to help students begin to learn basic gross motor skills which could then be carried over to play/leisure time activities. Communication, integration, and independence of movement were all stressed as major goals of the program. The suggestions herein are the author's attempt to assist her colleagues in the field who may encounter students with autism or similar problems with communication and social interaction. Vll ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to extend my appreciation to Dr. Susan K. Shuster and Georgia Sheriff for their enthusiasm and encouragement, and time to complete this text while on the job. Thanks to Nancy Dalrymple for her expertise in autism and her comments regarding the text. Special thanks to Stine Levy, Annamaria Mecca, and Barbara Porco, my colleagues on the Autism/Assessment Training Team at the Institute, for their written and spoken comments, critical reading, encouragement, and the expert knowledge they shared with me over the years. IX INTRODUCTION T his book has been written for physical educators and adapted physical educators who may encounte