Historical Linguistics And Philology

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Historical Linguistics and Philology Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 46 Editor Werner Winter Mouton de Gruyter Berlin · New York Historical Linguistics and Philology Edited by Jacek Fisiak Mouton de Gruyter Berlin · New York 1990 Mouton de Gruyter (formerly Mouton, The Hague) is a Division of Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Historical linguistics and philology / edited by Jacek Fisiak. p. cm. — (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs ; 46) Selection of papers from the International Conference on Historical Linguistics and Philology held at Blazejewko, Poland, Apr. 2 0 - 2 3 , 1988. ISBN 0-89925-610-4 : (alk paper) 1. Historical linguistics —Congresses. 2. Philology-Congresses. I. Fisiak, Jacek, II. International Conference on Historical Linguistics and Philology (1988 : Btazejewko, Poland) P140.H58 1990 417'.7 —dc20 90-5667 CIP Deutsche Bibliothek Cataloging in Publication Data Historical linguistics and philology / [Internat. Conference on Histor. Linguistics and Philology held at Blazejewko, Poland, Apr. 2 0 - 2 3 , 1988], Ed. by Jacek Fisiak. - Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 1990 (Trends in linguistics : Studies and monographs ; 46) ISBN 3-11-012204-9 NE: Fisiak, Jacek [Hrsg.]; International Conference on Historical Linguistics and Philology '«, yes)) sehe {{jhe, che)) yei ((yai)) hem {{hem, he, yaim)) here {{yer, yere, yaire)) swiche {{swich, swhiche)) eche {{eche a, ich, uch, uche, vche, vch a)) ben, ar, am, be {are) {{aren, bene, bey, buy)) y0113h (yeijh) {{youh, yeij, yejh, yei, youhj)) er, or {{her)) seyye {{seye, seyyen, sey, seyen, siyye)) 3it. .jut {(jet, 3ete, jite, .jutte)) yurth ((yurjth, yurh, yourh, yurjh, yrouj, jourh, yerwe)) de de {{dude)) haue heij, heijh {{hiej, heie)) litel owne {{oune)) self, selue peas {pes) heo {jeo, he) hi 0'-) ham hare, hare suche, such eche, ech {ich) hep {beth) pei 'ere' conj. 'since' adv. 'yet' 'through' 'did' sg. pret. 'have' inf. 'high' 'little' 'own' adj. 'self ar suppe 3ut {(jit)) poru {porwe) dude habbe, haue hei litel, lite, lute owe {owene, owen) sulf {sulue, silue) 76 Gerrit Η. V. Bunt dominant form, and double parentheses enclose variants that occur less than one-third as frequently as the dominant form. Within each "dominance" category forms are given in order of relative frequency. Unlike the Atlas, I give the items analysed, which for reasons of space represent only a selected handful out of the ca. 260 items used for the Atlas, between single quotation marks which enclose corresponding Modern English forms. The forms given as belonging to Part I are based on my own analysis, which follows the same procedures as those of the Atlas. Apart from showing that the dialects of Parts I and II are not "extremely close", and that the language of Part I cannot be simply said to be that of Gloucestershire, this listing enables us to see that the language of Part II is much more homogeneous than that of Part I. In some cases the variants between double parentheses occur only once or twice, as in the case of 'though', where youjh occurs 20 times, and yeijh ten times, but youh, j e / j a n d yejh only twice, and yei and Poujh once. Nevertheless, the variation is considerable, and the total effect is such that there is no single localization which will fit all the evidence. The language of the MS of William of Palerne is, therefore, what the Atlas, in good English, terms a Mischsprache. Some variants tend to be concentrated in the early sections of the text of William of Palerne. Thus 'she' is predominantly sehe, with eleven instances of jhe and four of che in the first half of the text. For 'they', we find overwhelmin
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