Psychiatry In Society

E-Book Overview

Psychiatry in Society provides an overview of the recent socio-economic and cultural changes affecting mental health and mental health care.These changes include: * The increasing complexity of the economic contexts within which mental health services are funded and delivered * The demand for cost-effectiveness evidence * The rationing of access to new pharmacotherapies and psychotherapies * The emergence of quality of life as an essential criterion in the assessment of health care interventions * The growing awareness of the influence of stigma on shaping the long-term course of severe mental disorders * The enhanced role of advocacy groups in providing information, advice and support to sufferers This book will be of interest to psychiatrists and psychologists, mental health workers, managers and policy makers.

E-Book Content

Psychiatry in Society. Edited by Norman Sartorius, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan Jose LoÂpez-Ibor and Mario Maj Copyright # 2002 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBNs: 0±471±49682±0 (Hardback); 0±470±84648±8 (Electronic) Psychiatry in Society Psychiatry in Society. Edited by Norman Sartorius, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan Jose LoÂpez-Ibor and Mario Maj Copyright # 2002 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBNs: 0±471±49682±0 (Hardback); 0±470±84648±8 (Electronic) Psychiatry in Society Edited by Norman Sartorius University of Geneva, Switzerland Wolfgang Gaebel University of DuÈsseldorf, Germany Juan Jose LoÂpez-Ibor Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Mario Maj University of Naples, Italy Psychiatry in Society. Edited by Norman Sartorius, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan Jose LoÂpez-Ibor and Mario Maj Copyright # 2002 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBNs: 0±471±49682±0 (Hardback); 0±470±84648±8 (Electronic) Copyright # 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Baffins Lane, Chichester, West S
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