Philosophical Transactions: 350 Years Of Publishing At The Royal Society (1665 – 2015)

E-Book Overview

Retrieved from on 29 November 2016. Contributors: Julie McDougall-Waters; Noah Moxham; Aileen Fyfe; Phil Hurst; Stefan Janusz; Jo McManus; Keith Moore; Karen Newman; Stuart Taylor; Geoff Belknap; Kevin Johnson; Bob Richardson; The Science Museum; St Bride’s Printing Library This commemorative brochure accompanies an exhibition at the royal society from December 2014 to June 2015, to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Philosophical Transactions. The exhibition showcases the work being carried out by the ‘Publishing the Philosophical Transactions: the social, cultural and economic history of a learned journal, 1665 – 2015’ project. The project runs from 2013 to 2017, and is led by Aileen Fyfe at the University of St Andrews and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (Grant K001841/1). Researchers Noah Moxham and Julie McDougall-Waters are working in collaboration with the royal society’s library and publishing divisions to investigate the challenges and opportunities of scholarly publishing over the past 350 years. As well as the exhibition, the project team is organising a variety of other events in 2015, including a major academic conference in March. by 2017, the team plans to have written the definitive history of the commercial and editorial practices of the Philosophical Transactions. It is also using the royal society’s archive to compile a series of historical economic data series relating to the book trade, which will be made freely available online. Curated by: Julie McDougall-Waters, Noah Moxham and Aileen Fyfe. Acknowledgements: The project team wish to thank the following for their generous assistance: Phil Hurst, Stefan Janusz, Jo McManus, Keith Moore, Karen Newman, and Stuart Taylor at the Royal Society Geoff Belknap at the University of Leicester, Kevin Johnson at the Science Museum, and Bob Richardson at St Bride’s Printing Library

E-Book Content

350 years of publishing at the Royal Society (1665 – 2015) Philosophical Transactions: 350 years of publishing at the Royal Society (1665 – 2015) 1 2 Curated by Julie McDougall-Waters, Noah Moxham and Aileen Fyfe. Acknowledgements The project team wish to thank the following for their generous assistance: Phil Hurst, Stefan Janusz, Jo McManus, Keith Moore, Karen Newman, and Stuart Taylor at the Royal Society Geoff Belknap at the University of Leicester, Kevin Johnson at the Science Museum, and Bob Richardson at St Bride’s Printing Library The text in this work is licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. To view a copy of this license, visit http:// uk/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Reuse of images contained herein may require a separate licence. Please contact the authors in the first instance. Cover A drawing of William Barlow’s underwater diving apparatus submitted to Philosophical Transactions in 1736 The Philosophical Transactions 3 350 years of publishing at the Royal Society (1665 – 2015) Foreword from the president Among the Royal Society’s many and varied contributions to the development of modern science, one of the most lastingly important was quietly announced in an ordinary meeting in February 1665. The first publication of the Philosophical Transactions, whose 350th anniversary the Society is celebrating throughout this year, had a range of implications as staggering as many of the world-altering papers that