4 Week Lean Legs Guide!

E-Book Overview

Introducing... My 4 week Lean Legs Guide! This 28 day e-book will take you through a series of weekly workouts to help sculpt and tone your legs by burning body fat & building muscle. This guide is structured as bodyweight workouts and can therefore be done anywhere! Also included: My top tips for eating healthy My top tips for fat loss Brief descriptions & images for every exercise Stretching suggestions & images Please note this download is a digital file only and will be emailed after purchase. This does not include a nutritional plan or meal suggestions.

E-Book Content

YOUR 4 WEEK Lean Legs Guide CREATED BY Fit With El FWE C ontents PAGE 3 - Overview page 4 - TERMS, CONDITIONS + disclaimer page 5 - my nutrition tips pAGE 6 - tips for fat loss page 7 - basic training principles PAGE 8 - HOW THIS GUIDE WORKS PAGE 9-17 - Your 28 day guide PAGE 18-19 - stretching Page 20 - thankyou 2 Welcome, Overview And thank you for purcasing my Lean Legs E-book, I'm so glad you're here! Within this booklet I hope to help you achieve your goals by showing you some of my favourite exercises for toning the lower body, and sharing some techniques to get more out of your exercise. This E-book can be followed as a 28 day guide, or simply as inspiration for new exercises to try and implement into your current routine. Although this e-book is a focus on leg exercises, these workouts can be paired with a balanced full body training regime. Here you will also find my top nutritional tips and cardio reccomendations. It is very important that you read ALL pages of this guide before starting. All workouts you will find here are ones that I currently use myself or have performed in the past. The exercises you are about to see are all beneficial in toning and sculpting your body, increasing strength and burning body fat when paired with a nutritionally balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Remember that the workout isn't everything. You can't out train a bad diet! You could be the hardest working, heaviest lifting, fastest running person in your state, but if your meals are poor you won't get the results. So keep that in mind if you're struggling to see changes. Oh! Dont forget to post your pre and post workout selfies on Instagram and #fitwithel so that I can see! Enjoy! 3 Disclaimer! Ts & Cs THE IMPORTANT STUFF. This E-book was created and written by Fit With El Personal Training. This e-book must not be distributed, re-sold or shared without the permission of Fit With El Personal Training. The information provided in this E-book is only my personal knowlegde learnt from studies of Certificate IV in fitness and personal experience. The exercises provided in this E-book are simply a guide based on my studies, my professional experience and my favourite exercises that I use in my own day to day fitness regime. All individuals and groups should seek the expert opinion of a medical professional prior to beginning a new fitness program or attempting any exercises within this E-book. All exercise and physical activity performed is at the individuals own risk. This ebook has been designed for people who already have a moderate level of fitness. If you have not performed any physical activity recently, please develop a basic level of fitness prior to starting this guide. Not all exercises in this E-book will be suitable to everyone. Before attempting any exercises in this E-book please consider factors such as your individual condition and overall health to determine whether each exercise is appropriate for you, and consult a medical professional for advice if unsure. Fit With El Personal Training is unable to ensure a safe environment including but not limited to hazardous
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