Geographical Thought: An Introduction To Ideas In Human Geography

E-Book Overview

Geographical Thought provides a clear and accessible introduction to the key ideas and figures in human geography. The book provides an essential introduction to the theories that have shaped the study of societies and space. Opening with an exploration of the founding concepts of human geography in the nineteenth century academy, the authors examine the range of theoretical perspectives that have emerged within human geography over the last century from feminist and marxist scholarship, through to post-colonial and non-representational theories. Each chapter contains insightful lines of argument that encourage readers towards independent thinking and critical evaluation. Supporting materials include a glossary, visual images, further reading suggestions and dialogue boxes.

E-Book Content

GEOGRAPHICAL THOUGHT An Introduction to Ideas in Human Geography Geographical Thought An Introduction to Ideas in Human Geography Anoop Nayak and Alex Jeffrey Newcastle University Routledge Taylor & Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK 8rief contents Authors' acknowledgements E_ublisher's acknowledgements Introduction Part 1 Foundations 1 Geographiesof empire: theimperial tradition 2 The quantitative revolution 3 Humanistic ge_agraphies 4 Marxistradicalgeographies 5 Human geography andthe cultural turn Part 2 Geographiesof difference fi Feminist geographies 7Ge::ographies of sexuality 8 Geography, ethnicityandracialisation Part3 Representationandpost-representation 9 Post-modern geographies 1Q Critical ge o-politics 11 Post-coloniaLgeographies and the colonial present 12 Emotions,embodimentandlivedgeographies Glossary References Index Contents -- Authors' acknowledgements ----s----.E-u+f-b't-f-lli her's acknowledgements Introduction Part 1 Foundations 1 Geographiesof empire:the imperial tradition Learning objectives Introduction Empire,imperialismandcolonialism Theinstitutionalisation of geography Environmental determinism: climate and race Criticisms and dissent Conclusions Summary Further reading 2 The quantitative revolution Learningobjectives Introduction Theorigins of thequantitative revolution The quantitative revolution Criticismsofquantification Thelegacyofthequantitativerevolution Conclusions Summary Further reading 3 Humanisticgeographies Learning objectives Introduction Humanistic geography and the challenge to positivism Phenomenologyandexistentialism Humanisticgeographyinfocus: theworkofYi-FuTuan Thechallengeto humanism Conclusions Summary Furtherreading 4 Marxist radical geographies Learning objectives Introduction KarlMarx Key Marxist ideas ---- Radical geography The 'turn' to Marxism Marxistgeographyandspatialconstructionsofclass Thepolitical ecologyof Marxism The limits of Marxism Euture horizons Conclusions Summary Further reading 5 Human geography and the cultural turn Learningobjectives Introduction The rneaning of culture Early traditions of cultural geography Newmaps ofmeaning:BritishCultural Studies --±he-newculturalgeography Thecultural turn from the marginsto thecentre -- Rematerialising culture, reclaiming the social Conclusions Summary ---- Furtherreading Part2 Geographiesof difference 6Feministgeographies Le_arning objectives ---- Introduction Firstandsecondwave feminism Political perspectives of feminism Establishing_feminis _t_ge_a_gr_ap_h_� Practisifeminis ng tgeography Rethinking gender Conclusion