Take Control Of Vmware Fusion 3

E-Book Overview

The ebook explains new Fusion 3 features, including the redesigned Applications menu, enhanced Virtual Library window, new Preview window (which shows a live thumbnail of your entire Windows Desktop), and improved Unity view. It also discusses Windows 7 and 32-bit vs. 64-bit possibilities. After introducing you to a few basic concepts, the ebook offers advice for mixing Fusion and Boot Camp, and notes the hardware and software youll need. Then youll find steps for installing Windows for use in Fusion in these scenarios When installing a new copy of Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 From an already-installed copy of Windows under Boot Camp, VMware Fusion 1.x or 2.x, Parallels Desktop, Virtual PC, or an actual PC From a slipstream disc that contains Windows plus service packs, updates, drivers, and settings On the MacBook Air, which lacks an internal optical drive With Mac OS X Server (version 10.5 or higher) as a guest operating system For running a virtual appliance that encapsulates both an operating system and a ready-to-run application

E-Book Content

Check for Updates Make sure you have the latest information! TidBITS Publishing Inc. Take Control of v1.0 VMware 3 Joe Kissell Help Catalog Feedback Order Print Copy Table of Contents READ ME FIRST 4 Updates..................................................................................... 5 Basics ....................................................................................... 5 What’s New in the Second Edition ................................................. 8 INTRODUCTION 10 FUSION QUICK START 12 UNDERSTAND FUSION BASICS 13 What Is Virtualization Software? ..................................................13 What Is Boot Camp (and Why Should You Care)? ...........................17 Decide Whether (or How) to Use Boot Camp with Fusion .................18 INSTALL FUSION AND WINDOWS 20 Collect the Ingredients ...............................................................20 Install Fusion ............................................................................26 Create a Virtual Machine in Fusion................................................27 Install Boot Camp Drivers ...........................................................33 Use a Boot Camp Partition in Fusion .............................................35 USE WINDOWS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE 38 Learn Your Way Around ..............................................................38 Suspend, Resume, and Shut Down Windows..................................43 Make Your Keyboard and Mouse Behave .......................................45 Switch Display Modes .................................................................49 Use the Applications Menu ..........................................................55 Move Data between Host and Guest .............................................58 Work with Multiple Displays.........................................................59 Connect and Disconnect Devices ..................................................60 CONFIGURE VIRTUAL MACHINE SETTINGS 63 Settings Overview......................................................................63 Sharing Settings ........................................................................64 Applications Settings ..................................................................68 Processor & RAM Settings ...........................................................73 Display Settings ........................................................................77 Printer Settings .........................................................................78 AutoProtect Settings ..................................................................79 2 Advanced Settings ...........................................
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