Book 2
Speech Generation & Flow Production
Prof. KevNair
Adult Faculties ·
Unifying the \vorld thro' fluent Engllsh
Cop yng ht
[email protected] Ke vN a1r 198 2.
. 2 (thr ice) , This edition 200 0. Rep rint ed 200 1 (tw ice ), 200 200 3 (thr ice) , 200 4, 200 5.
firs t pub lish ed 198 2.
Pro f. K. E.
v Nair @ Ke vN air has ass erte d his righ t to be
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Con tent s Speec h-gen eratio n Technique, 5 Learni ng by heart is NOT a solution, 5 Generative Feature & Generative Structures, 5 How does the Generative Feature work?, 6 'Gener ation' throug h 'substi tution', 7 How to becom e skilled at substit ution, 7 Core words: Words of the most genera l utility, 7 Neutra l and non-ne utral vocabu lary, 9 Formal vocabu lary, 9 Inform al vocabu lary, 9 Slang, 11
fitting vocabu lary items into Genera l Structu res, 11 How to master the speech genera ting skill?, 11 Genera tive Structu re drills, 13 Genera tive Structu res (GSs), 13 GS No. l to GS No. 23 Spare- parts for speech genera tion, 22 Namin g a person , a place or a thing - Namin g Part, 23 Speak ing about actions - Action Part, 24 Descri ption of Namin g Parts- Descr iptive Part, 25 Adding details to action s - Circum stance Part, 25 In a Nutshe ll, 26
Flow-production Techniques, 26 Word Junctio ns, 27
1. Conso nant-C onsona nt junctio ns, 28
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28 Junction practice, 2 9
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