U.s. Defense And The South Atlantic

E-Book Overview

This memorandum discusses developments which have created the necessity to reevaluate the strategic importance of the South Atlantic. Soviet policy in Africa and Soviet capabilities in the South Atlantic may threaten long-range NATO and US interests in the area, but the results will have more immediate political than military importance. Several US policy options are considered. The conclusion is that the United States should not seek new, formal military alliances in the region; however, cooperation with Brazil and individual Western European states, in maintaining a credible security presence, should be increased. The Military Issues Research Memoranda program of the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, provides a means for timely dissemination of analytical papers which are not constrained by consideration of format. These memoranda are prepared on subjects of current importance in areas related to the author's professional work or interests. This memorandum was prepared as a contribution to the field of national security research and study. As such, it does not reflect the official view of the Department of the Army or Department of Defense.

E-Book Content

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service AD-A035 153 U. S. DEFENSE AND THE SOUTH ATLANTIC Army War College Strategic Studies Institute Carlisle Barracks,, Pennsylvania 8 December 1976 STRATEGIC STUDIES INSTITUTE US ARMY WAR COLLEGE CARLISLE BARRACKS, PENNSYLVANIA 17013 ACN 76066 DECEMBER 1976 US DEFENSE AND THE SOUTH ATLANTIC MILITARY ISSUES RESEARCH MEMORANDUM STRATEGIC STUDIES INSTITUTE US ARMY WAR COLLEGE Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania US DEFENSE AND THE SOUTH ATLANTIC by Kenneth E. Roberts 8 December 1976 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. i DISCLAIMER The views of the author do not purport to reflect the positions of the Department of the Army or Department of Defense. ib FOREWORD This memorandum discusses developments which have created the necessity to reevaluate the strategic importance of the South Atlantic. Soviet policy in Africa and Soviet capabilities in the South Atlantic may threaten long-range NATO and US interests in the area, but the results will have more immediate political than military importance. Several US policy options are considered. The conclusion is that the United States should not seek new, formal military alliances in the region; however, cooperation with Brazil and individual Western European states, in maintaining a credible security presence, should be increased. The Military Issues Research Memoranda program of the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, provides a means for timely dissemination of analytical papers which are not constrained by consideration of format. These memoranda are prepared on subjects of current importance in areas related to the author's professional work or interests. This memorandum was prepared as a contribution to the field of national security research and study. As such, it does not reflect the official view of the Department of the Army or Department of Defense. DeWITTC. SMITH, JR. Major General, USA Commandant ia BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR S3 MR. KENNETH E. ROBERTS joined the Strategic Studies Institute in 1973 Prior to his present position, he was an analyst in the Office of the Chief of Resuich and Development, Department of the Army. He has a bachelor's degrer in international relations from the American University and a master's degree international affairs from Florida Slate University. Mr. Roberts has contributed published compendiums dealing with national security.
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