Uxl Encyclopedia Of Landforms And Other Geologic Features

E-Book Overview

Explores the physical structure of the Earth's landforms, including what they are, how they look, how they were created and change over time, and major geological events associated with each.

E-Book Content

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LANDFORMS AND OTHER GEOLOGIC FEATURES ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LANDFORMS AND OTHER GEOLOGIC FEATURES 1 Basin Canyon Cave Coast and shore Continental margin Coral reef Delta Dune and other desert features Rob Nagel U•X•L Encyclopedia of Landforms and Other Geologic Features Rob Nagel Project Editor Diane Sawinski Imaging and Multimedia Robyn Young Composition Evi Seoud Permissions Lori Hines Product Design Michelle DiMercurio Manufacturing Rita Wimberley ©2004 by U•X•L. U•X•L is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means— graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution, or information storage retrieval systems—without the written permission of the publisher. Cover photo reproduced by permission of Digital Stock Corporation. U•X•L® is a registered trademark used herein under license. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. For more information, contact: The Gale Group, Inc. 27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 Or you can visit our Internet site at http://www.gale.com For permission to use material from this product, submit your request via the Web at http://www.galeedit.com/permissions, or you may download our Permissions Request form and submit your request by fax or mail to: Permissions Department The Gale Group, Inc. 27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 Permissions Hotl