The European Past: Social Evolution And Spatial Order
E-Book Information
Series: Critical Human Geography
Year: 1,987
Pages In File: 414
Language: English
Topic: 32
Identifier: 978-0-333-28109-3,978-1-349-18642-6
Doi: 10.1007/978-1-349-18642-6
Org File Size: 42,831,226
Extension: pdf
Sociology, general
Applied Ecology
Toc: Front Matter....Pages i-xi Introduction....Pages 1-23 What Season is this Place?....Pages 24-60 Tribal Systems and the Beginnings of Spatial Structure....Pages 61-87 Hierarchies in Society and Space: Reflections on their Orogenesis....Pages 88-129 A Geography of Regulated Space: The Rise of State-systems....Pages 130-165 Regulated Space and the Feudal State....Pages 166-192 Regulated Space and the Rise of Markets....Pages 193-239 The Decline of Feudalism: A Study in the Nature of Geographical Change....Pages 240-286 Taking Space to Market....Pages 287-351 Evolutionary Spatial Systems: A Summary of the Problem....Pages 352-361 Back Matter....Pages 362-403