Dialogues Conversations With My Higher Self

E-Book Overview

The author engages in a fascinating and wide ranging metaphysical discussion about the nature of consciousness, reincarnation, and the purpose and meaning of life. "Dialogues" is a companion to the author's "The VIbrational Universe. Topics covered are Time, Birth and Death, the Origin of the Universe, Consciousness, Science, and Crop Circles, to name a few.

E-Book Content

Dialogues - Conversations With My Higher Self Kenneth J M MacLean (2002) If you ask questions directly to your "Higher Self", will it answer back? That's what freelance writer Ken MacLean wanted to find out - and the answers he received back were nothing short of spectacular. Published in 2002, Dialogues - Conversations With My Higher Self is already being hailed as one of the great metaphysical classics. Ken discovered that, in response to his many queries, he started receiving blocks of thought which he could translate into typed text. As a result, his interactions with his "higher self" became almost like two good friends having a stimulating chat. His "higher self", it seemed, had access to a vast library of universal knowledge. He received answers to topics as varied as how to manifest an expensive sports car purely through the power of thought, to why do people catch flu, to what is the purpose of the Universe itself. The answers in Dialogues are often thought-provoking, sometimes controversial and always fascinating. In this book, you will learn:  why time is just an illusion of the mind  how it is possible to alter the laws of physics  why planet Earth is now the most important place to be in the entire Universe  what are memories and what causes us to remember anything  why people get ill  how the Universe benefits from you living an exciting, adventurous life 