The Gale Encyclopedia Of Medicine

E-Book Overview

Includes information on more than 1,600 medical disorders and concepts. Each article includes in-depth discussion of causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, procedures, and other related topics. Written for a general audience with an authoritative tone.

E-Book Content

The GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA of MEDICINE SECOND EDITION The GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA of MEDICINE SECOND EDITION VOLUME 1 A-B JACQUELINE L. LONGE, EDITOR D E I R D R E S . B L A N C H F I E L D , A S S O C I AT E E D I T O R The GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA of MEDICINE SECOND EDITION STAFF Jacqueline L. Longe, Project Editor Deirdre S. Blanchfield, Associate Editor Christine B. Jeryan, Managing Editor Donna Olendorf, Senior Editor Stacey Blachford, Associate Editor Kate Kretschmann, Melissa C. McDade, Ryan Thomason, Assistant Editors Mark Springer, Technical Specialist Andrea Lopeman, Programmer/Analyst Barbara J. Yarrow, Manager, Imaging and Multimedia Content Robyn V. Young, Project Manager, Imaging and Multimedia Content Dean Dauphinais, Senior Editor, Imaging and Multimedia Content Kelly A. Quin, Editor, Imaging and Multimedia Content Leitha Etheridge-Sims, Mary K. Grimes, Dave Oblender, Image Catalogers Pamela A. Reed, Imaging Coordinator Randy Bassett, Imaging Supervisor Robert Duncan, Senior Imaging Specialist Dan Newell, Imaging Specialist Christine O’Bryan, Graphic Specialist Maria Franklin, Permissions Manager Margaret A. Chamberlain, Permissions Specialist Michelle DiMercurio, Senior Art Director Mike Logusz, Graphic Artist Mary Beth Trimper, Manager, Composition and Electronic Prepress Evi Seoud, Assistant Manager, Composition Purchasing and Electronic Prepress Dorothy Maki, Manufacturing Manager Wendy Blurton, Senior Manufacturing Specialist Since this page cannot legibly accommodate all copyright notices, the acknowledgments constitute an ex
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