Dictionary Of American History, 3rd Edition

E-Book Overview

Written by academic specialists, the fully revised 3rd edition covers all aspects of American history and daily life - sports, diplomacy labour, art, economics, wars, institutions, legends, places, scandals, Acts of Congress, Supreme Court decisions, businesses, organisations, cultural icons, government agencies and much more. Clear and accessible in its language and organization, the Dictionary of American History provides a gateway for researchers venturing into the often-complex terrain of America's past. It includes more than 800 new topics, plus more than 1,400 articles completely rewritten. It also contains, for the first time, illustrations and maps placed near the pertinent articles.

E-Book Content

DICTIONARY OF American History Third Edition DICTIONARY OF American History Third Edition Stanley I. Kutler, Editor in Chief Volume 10 Contributors, Learning Guide, and Index DIRECTORY OF CONTRIBUTORS † signifies contributors to previous editions. Carl Abbott Portland State University Capitals City Planning Denver Portland Urbanization † Charles C. Abbott War Finance Corporation Wilbur C. Abbott† Delaware, Washington Crossing the “Yankee Doodle” Sandra Schwartz Abraham Educational Testing Service Educational Testing Service Shirley S. Abrahamson Wisconsin Supreme Court Bill of Rights in State Constitutions William J. Aceves California Western School of Law Cole Bombing Embassy Bombings World Trade Center Bombing, 1993 † Richard D. Alford Naming Henry H. Adams† Atlantic, Battle of the F. Hardee Allen Cod Fisheries Fishing Bounties Mackerel Fisheries † † Randolph G. Adams Arnold’s March to Quebec Arnold’s Raid in Virginia Arnold’s Treason Morse, Jedidiah, Geographies of Michael R. Adamson Sonoma State University Balance of Trade Bri
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