Art And The Human Adventure : André Malraux's Theory Of Art

E-Book Overview

André Malraux was a major figure in French intellectual life in the twentieth century. A key component of his thought is his theory of art which presents a series of fundamental challenges to traditional explanations of the nature and purpose of art developed by post-Enlightenment aesthetics. For Malraux, art - whether visual art, literature or music - is much more than a locus of beauty or a source of "aesthetic pleasure"; it is one of the ways humanity defends itself against its fundamental sense of meaninglessness - one of the ways the "human adventure" is affirmed. Here for the first time is a comprehensive, step by step exposition, supported by illustrations, of Malraux's theory of art as presented in major works such as <em>The Voices of Silence and<em> The Metamorphosis of the Gods. Suitable for both newcomers to Malraux and more advanced students, the study also examines critical responses to these works by figures such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Maurice Blanchot, Pierre Bourdieu, and E. H. Gombrich, and compares Malraux's thinking with aspects of contemporary Anglo-American aesthetics. The study reveals that an account of art which Gombrich once dismissed as "sophisticated double-talk" is in reality a thoroughly coherent and highly enlightening system of thought, with revolutionary implications for the way we think about art. This book has 30 illustrations, of which 23 are in colour

E-Book Information

  • Series: Faux titre no. 341

  • Year: 2,009

  • City: New York, Amsterdam

  • Pages: 340

  • Language: English

  • Identifier: 9042027495,978-90-420-2749-7,9781282882133,1282882139,978-90-420-2750-3,9042027509

  • Org File Size: 97,764,865

  • Extension: pdf

  • Tags: Malraux, André, -- 1901-1976 -- Aesthetics. Art -- Philosophy. Aesthetics, French -- 20th century. Fine Arts. ART -- General. Malraux, André, -- 1901-1976 Aesthetics. Aesthetics, French.

  • Toc: Content: Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of illustrations -- Acknowledgements -- English translations of titles of Malraux's works -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: The Years before 1934 -- Chapter 2: The Human Adventure -- Chapter 3: Art: A Rival World -- Chapter 4: Art and Creation -- Chapter 5: The Emergence and Transformation of "Art" -- Chapter 6: Art and Time -- Chapter 7: The First Universal World of Art -- Chapter 8: The Anti-Arts -- Chapter 9. Art, History, and the Human Adventure -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index.

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