Encyclopedia Of Physical Science And Technology - Atomic And Molecular Physics

E-Book Overview

Nine years has passed since the 1992 second edition of the encyclopedia was published. This completely revised third edition, which is a university and professional level compendium of chemistry, molecular biology, mathematics, and engineering, is refreshed with numerous articles about current research in these fields. For example, the new edition has an increased emphasis on information processing and biotechnology, reflecting the rapid growth of these areas. The continuing Editor-in-Chief, Robert Meyers, and the Board prepared a new topical outline of physical science and technology to define complete coverage. Section editors are either Nobel Laureates or editors of key journals in their fields. Additional Board members representing the global scientific community were also recruited.

E-Book Content

P1: ZCK Revised Pages Qu: 00, 00, 00, 00 Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology EN001G-02 May 25, 2001 16:0 Accelerator Physics and Engineering Frank T. Cole, deceased Maury Tigner Cornell University Alexander W. Chao Stanford Linear Accelerator Center I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Introduction History Applications of Accelerators Types of Accelerators Physical Principles of Beam Motion Accelerators of the Future GLOSSARY Betatron Circular induction accelerator for electrons. The magnetic guide field rises during acceleration to keep particles on a circle of constant radius. Circular accelerator Cyclic accelerator in which particles are bent by magnetic fields around closed paths, passing many times through the same accelerating system. Colliding beams System in which the fixed target is replaced by a second beam of accelerated particles moving in the opposite direction. The collisions of moving particles produce very high-energy phenomena. Cyclic accelerator Particle accelera
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