Integer Programming And Combinatorial Optimization: 14th International Conference, Ipco 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 9-11, 2010, Proceedings ... Computer Science And General Issues)

E-Book Overview

Theidea ofa refereedconferencefor the mathematicalprogrammingcommunity was proposed by Ravi Kannan and William Pulleyblank to the Mathematical Programming Society (MPS) in the late 1980s. Thus IPCO was born, and MPS has sponsored the conference as one of its main events since IPCO I at the University of Waterloo in 1990. The conference has become the main forum for recent results in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization in the non-Symposium years. This volume compiles the papers presented at IPCO XIV held June 9-11, 2010, at EPFL in Lausanne. The scope of papers considered for IPCO XIV is likely broader than at IPCO I. This is sometimes due to the wealth of new questions and directions brought from related areas. It can also be due to the successful application of “math programming” techniques to models not tra- tionally considered. In any case, the interest in IPCO is greater than ever and this is re?ected in both the number (135) and quality of the submissions. The ProgrammeCommittee with 13 memberswasalsoIPCO’slargest. We thankthe members of the committee, as well as their sub-reviewers, for their exceptional (and time-consuming) work and especially during the online committee meeting held over January. The process resulted in the selection of 34 excellent research papers which were presented in non-parallel sessions over three days in L- sanne. Unavoidably, this has meant that many excellent submissions were not able to be included

E-Book Content

Lecture Notes in Computer Science Commenced Publication in 1973 Founding and Former Series Editors: Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, and Jan van Leeuwen Editorial Board David Hutchison Lancaster University, UK Takeo Kanade Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Josef Kittler University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Jon M. Kleinberg Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Alfred Kobsa University of California, Irvine, CA, USA Friedemann Mattern ETH Zurich, Switzerland John C. Mitchell Stanford University, CA, USA Moni Naor Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Oscar Nierstrasz University of Bern, Switzerland C. Pandu Rangan Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India Bernhard Steffen TU Dortmund University, Germany Madhu Sudan Microsoft Research, Cambridge, MA, USA Demetri Terzopoulos University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Doug Tygar University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Gerhard Weikum Max-Planck Institute of Computer Science, Saarbruecken, Germany 6080 Friedrich Eisenbrand F. Bruce Shepherd (Eds.) Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization 14th International Conference, IPCO 2010 Lausanne, Switzerland, June 9-11, 2010 Proceedings 13 Volume Editors Friedrich Eisenbrand École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne Institute of Mathematics 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] F. Bruce Shepherd McGill University Department of Mathematics and Statistics 805 Sherbrooke West, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2K6, Canada E-mail: [email protected] Library of Congress Control Number: 2010926408 CR Subject Classification (1998): F.2, E.1, I.3.5, G.2, G.1.6, F.2.2 LNCS Sublibrary: SL 1 – Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues ISSN ISBN-10 ISBN-13 0302-9743 3-642-13035-6 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York 978-3-642-13035-9 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on micr
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