Over-the-road Wireless For Dummies

E-Book Overview

Do you roam the road making a living, or are you enjoying the nomadic life of a retiree with a motor home? Either way, life goes on no matter where you're hanging your hat tonight. Bills still need to be paid, grandchildren grow up way too fast, and you've gotten pretty dependent on your e-mail. How do you stay connected to the rest of the world while you're on the road?For a growing number of over-the-road drivers, business travelers, and RV enthusiasts, the answer is a wireless Internet connection. With a laptop and wireless access, you can * Pay bills, check accounts, and handle banking online * Send and receive e-mail * Surf the Web * Access your home PC * Make inexpensive phone calls with VoIP * Watch TV, download movies, and listen to satellite radio "So," you say, "I see people in movies popping open their laptops and getting online wherever they happen to be. It looks awfully easy-why do I need a book?" Well, lots of things are easy once you know how. Over-the-Road Wireless For Dummies tells you how in plain English, so you can take advantage of all those cool opportunities safely and easily. You'll discover how to * Choose the best Wi-Fi access service for your needs and locate hotspots * Assess cellular data services and satellite access to make informed choices about service * Adapt your laptop or PDA for wireless, set up an external antenna, and install an external amplifier * Use your cell phone as a modem * Identify security threats, protect your data with strong passwords and encryption, and set up a personal firewall * Install and use Skype and make phone calls with your laptop * Make your truck or RV your office with online freight-finding services, a GPS receiver, a travel printer, and software to keep logs and expense records * Access streaming TV and radio on the road With Over-the-Road Wireless For Dummies to help, you can send online birthday cards, watch video of the grandchildren, do your banking, pay b
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