Chemical Reactor Analysis And Design

E-Book Overview

This is the Second Edition of the standard text on chemical reaction engineering, beginning with basic definitions and fundamental principles and continuing all the way to practical applications, emphasizing real-world aspects of industrial practice. The two main sections cover applied or engineering kinetics, reactor analysis and design. Includes updated coverage of computer modeling methods and many new worked examples. Most of the examples use real kinetic data from processes of industrial importance.

E-Book Content

Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design Gilbert F. Froment Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium Kenneth B. Bischoff University of Delaware J o h n Wiley 8 Sons New York Chichester Brisbane Toronto Copyrrght @ 1979 by John Wlley & Sons. Inc All rights reserved. Published simultaneousiy tn Cdna Reproduction or translatron of any pan of thrs work beyond that permrtted by Sections 107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permrssion of the copyrrght owner is unlawful. Requests for permtssron or further tnformation should be addressed to the Permrsstons Department. John Wiley & Sons. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Frornent. Gilbert F. Chemical reactor analysis and design. Includes index. 1. Chemical reactors. 2. Chemical reacttons. 3. Chemical engineering. I. Bischoti. Kenneth B.. joint author. 11. Title. Printed in the United States of America 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 To our wives: Mia and Joyce Preface This book provides a comprehensive study of chemical reaction engineering, beginning with the basic definitions and fundamental principles and continuing a11 the way to practical application. It emphasizes the real-world aspects of chemical reaction engineering encountered in industrial practice. A rational and rigorous approach, based on mathemat
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