World War Ii 2: Almanac

E-Book Overview

The causes, events and legacy of World War II are the subjects of this 2-vol. set. Part of the U·X·LR World War II Reference Library, World War II: Almanac provides extensive background information and includes contrary viewpoints that are presented in an objective manner. Students will read about the climate before the war, important battles, scientific developments, civilian experiences and how the world was different at war's end. The 17subject chapters include: Holocaust, The Allies and the Axis, Spies and Scientists, the Defeat of Germany, and more. Also included are sidebars, glossary, timeline, sources for further study and an index.

E-Book Content

Almanac VOLUME Almanac 2 George Feldman Edited by Christine Slovey World War II: Almanac George Feldman Staff Christine Slovey, U•X•L Editor Carol DeKane Nagel, U•X•L Managing Editor Tom Romig, U•X•L Publisher Rita Wimberley, Senior Buyer Dorothy Maki, Manufacturing Manager Evi Seoud, Assistant Production Manager Mary Beth Trimper, Production Director Margaret A. Chamberlain, Permissions Specialist Eric Johnson and Martha Schiebold, Cover Art Directors Pamela A. E. Galbreath, Page Art Director Cynthia Baldwin, Product Design Manager Barbara J. Yarrow, Graphic Services Supervisor Linda Mahoney, LM Design, Typesetting Laura Exner, XNR Productions, Inc., Cartographer Front cover photographs reproduced by permission of the National Archives and Records Administration. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data World War II: Almanac / George Feldman cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7876-3830-7 (set), — ISBN 0-7876-3831-5 (v. 1). — ISBN 07876-3832-3 (v. 2) 1. World War, 1939-1945 Juvenile literature. I. Feldman, George II. Title: World War two. III. Title: World War 2. D743. 7.W673 1999 940.53—dc21 99-36179 CIP This publicati
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