Vertical Milling In The Home Workshop

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ARNe -_3 THROP VERTI MLLING IN THE ME 0 K OP l1J.J.J.1.illlillJ 1III111111 ! 11111111111111111111111 I1111I1111111 blllLJ..l.W.J..W..W.WJ..W.LL.Ll.W...I.LW.I..l.W.l..I.J.l.I..l.lJI CJ) " o o a:J (J) C G) » ::IJ Argus Books Argus House Bounda ry W ay Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP 2 7ST Eng la nd CONTENTS Chapter One EVOLUTION OF THE VERTICAL MILLER 12 Early history of indu strial m achines: milling in th e early sma ll lath es : mi lling attachmen ts for lat hes ci rca 19 20s: E.T, W estbu ry's experimental machine 1964: the Dar e-Westbury m achine 1968: cu rre ntly avail able sma ll machi nes and attach ments, Chapt er Tw o MILLING FLAT SURFACES 27 Surf aces paralle l to table: simple fixed-radius f1 ycutt ers: var iab le-radius bor ing head flyc utting: multiple -tooth face m ills: work hol ding: m ult ip le­ pass mi lling: surfaces square w it h table : using side of end mill. Chapter Th ree SLITTING AND CUTTING 35 Use of slitting saw for cutting through machinery component bosses : eccentric sheaves and straps : mar ine type big ends of connecting rods. Chap te r Four KEYWAY CUTTING 37 Endm ill ing round ended 'feath er' keyways : keyways on taper shafts : use of disc tvoe cutters for plain sunken keyways : \Noo dru ff keyways: making Woodruff cutters in the home workshop : table of suggested sizes of \N oodruff keys and kevv vavs fo r model engineers, Chapter Fiv e FLUTING COMPONENTS OTHER THAN TOOLS 43 Correct form of flutes ir loco connecting and cou pling rod s: mounting rods against anglepla te for flu ti ng : parallel flutes: taper flutes: preferred type of cutting too l. First pub lished 1977 Second im pression 1979 Sec ond edi ti o n 1984 Rep rin ted 1986, 1988 , 1989, 1990, 1991 . 1993 © A rg u s Bo o ks Ltd 1977 All r ights reserved . No p art of this publication m ay be repro d uced in any f o rm by print. photography, microfilm or any othe r mean s wi thout written permission from th e pub lisher. ­ ISB N 0 852 42 843 x Ph o t ot y p esetti n g by Perf o rm an ce T y pesetting, Milton Key n es Print ed and bound i n G reat Br it ai n by Biddies Ltd . Guil d f o rd and K in g 's Lynn Chapte r Six BORING 45 Dealing with parts too large to swing in lathe: trepanning large ho les. Chapter Seven 'J I G- BORIN G' 46 Using the miller as a measuring machine : drilling ho les at one setting of work and precise cent res: eng ine be am: b ack-lash pr ecaution s: tri p gea r com ­ pon ent : mu lti-ho le boiler plates. Chapter Eight DIVI DING HEADS AND TOO L MAK ING 66 Fluting taps : example 5-flute Acme tap : producing a small fine too th milling cutter w ith ball end : use of table stop blocks: combination of rotary tabl e with ma in table movement: large 60 deg ree coun­ te rsink fluting . Chapter Thirt een DIVIDING HEADS AND GRAD UATED SCALES 71 Cutti ng graduation marks : use of rotary 'engr avi ng' cutters : use of no n-r otating plani ng t ype tools : use o f table stops to contro l line lengths : graduating cyli ndr ica l scales: gradua ting flat angular scales : checking correct way of figuring when stamping scales , Chapter Fourt een CUTTER SPE EDS FOR VERTICAL MILLERS 74 Speeds affect ti me occupied on job: speeds too high may cause excessive cutter wear and chatter : rigi di ty of work, cutter and mac hine inferior as a rule to i ndu st rial condi tions, dry cutting inst ead of lubricated : Tabl e III gives speeds for cutters in different kinds of tas ks : m achi ne speeds may no t alwa ys be suitable . Chapter Fifteen WORK -HOLDING WITH D IFFICULT SHAPES 78 Comparison wi
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