Beginning Ruby: From Novice To Professional

E-Book Overview

Ruby is perhaps best known as the engine powering the hugely popular Ruby on Rails web framework. However, it is an extremely powerful and versatile programming language in its own right. It focuses on simplicity and offers a fully object-oriented environment.Beginning Ruby is a thoroughly contemporary guide for every type of reader wanting to learn Ruby, from novice programmers to web developers to Ruby newcomers. It starts by explaining the principles behind object-oriented programming and within a few chapters builds toward creating a genuine Ruby application.The book then explains key Ruby principles, such as classes and objects; projects, modules, and libraries; and other aspects of Ruby such as database access. In addition, Ruby on Rails is covered in depth, and the book's appendixes provide essential reference information as well as a primer for experienced programmers.

E-Book Content

CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK PANTONE 123 CV BOOKS FOR PROFESSIONALS BY PROFESSIONALS ® THE EXPERT’S VOICE ® IN OPEN SOURCE Companion eBook Available Beginning Ruby Ruby Beginning Ruby is the only book you’ll need to take yourself from the point of not knowing Ruby at all to the point of being proficient in the language. You’ll be able to develop your own complete applications that can work online, access databases, process files, and more. Thanks to the popularity of the Ruby on Rails Web application framework, Ruby is rapidly becoming one of the major programming languages of the twenty-first century, and learning Ruby now will give you an enviable advantage over other developers. I’ve written this book in a way that lets you learn easily how to develop modern software and Internet-driven applications using Ruby’s terminology, techniques, and culture. You’ll then be able to discover further resources and tutorials online for the more a
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