Electrical Engineering Dictionary A-k

E-Book Content

“Book/Definitions” Electrical Engineering Dictionary. Ed. Phillip A. Laplante Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000 Special Symbols α-level set a crisp set of elements belonging to a fuzzy set A at least to a degree α Aα = {x ∈ X | µA (x) ≥ α} See also crisp set, fuzzy set. 1f hertz. common symbol for bandwidth, in common symbol for gallium arrGaAs senide relative dielectric constant. rGaAs = 12.8. common symbol for silicon relative rSi dielectric constant. rSi = 11.8. 0 symbol for permitivity of free space. 0 = 8.849 × 10−12 farad/meter. common symbol for relative dielectric r constant. common symbol for DC to RF conηDC version efficiency. Expressed as a percentage. common symbol for power added efηa ficiency. Expressed as a percentage. common symbol for total or true effiηt ciency. Expressed as a percentage. common symbol for source reflec0opt tion coefficient for optimum noise performance. 2000 by CRC Press LLC c µ0 common symbol for permeability of free space constant. µ0 = 1.257 × 10−16 henrys/meter. common symbol for relative permeµr ability. ω common symbol for radian frequency in radians/second. ω = 2 · π · frequency. common symbol for positive transition θ+ angle in degrees. common symbol for negative transiθ− tion angle in degrees. common symbol for conduction anθcond gle in degrees. common symbol for saturation angle θsat in degrees. common symbol for FET channelθCC to-case thermal resistance in ◦ C/watt. common symbol for bipolar junctionθJ C to-case thermal resistance in ◦ C/watt. common symbol for Richardson’s A∗ constant. A∗ = 8.7 amperes · cm/◦ K BVGD voltage. See gate-to-drain breakdown BVGS voltage. See gate-to-source breakdown dv/dt rate of change of voltage withstand capability without spurious turn-on of the device. Hci See intrinsic coercive force. common symbol for e
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