Advances Of Modern Science

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,150 L-31 This special edition is for readers for whom English is;a second language. I t t a n ^ b e read by anyone who has learned 2,000 words of English. ADVANCES OF MODERN SCIENCE (Original titleJRIUMPHS OF MODERN SCIENCE) MELVIN BERGER H P THE LADDER SERIES The Ladder Series books are specially prepared editions of well-known American books. They have been made easier to read for the enjoyment of readers for whom English is a second language. The Series is built,on a "ladder" of five steps— from 1,000 to 5,000 different English words. Although the books have been shortened, they keep the ideas and facts found in the originals. This book uses 2,000 English words. Some words in the book are above this step and will be found written in boldface letters. They are explained in the Glossary at the back. The publisher hopes the reader will enjoy this Series, while going up the ladder to more difficult reading. M O D E R N (originaltitle:TRIUMPHS S C I E OF MODERN SCIENCE) by MELVIN BERGER A Ladder Edition at the 2,000-word level ADAPTED BY CLAIRE COOPEB CUNNIFF PYRAMID BOOKS NEW YORK To the memory of Ben Shulman, in appreciation of his deep interest in thlp writing of this book. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many scientists and science teachers who, through their suggestions and readings of various parts of the manuscript, contributed to this book. Their selfless help was of considerable value to me. I must, however, accept full responsibility for the book's contents. All the final choices and decisions wore mine. Among those I would like to single out for particular thanks are Leonard Berkowitz (psychologist). Dr. Edmund Braun (psychiatrist). Dr. Harold Clearman (Hofstra University), Philip Ferris (Waidemar Medical Research Laboratory), Dr. Harold Galef (psychiatrist). Dr. George Pappas (College of Physicians and Surgeons), John Patterson (Hoyden Planetarium), Edward Polowayk (Brentwood Junior High School), Denis Puleston (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Valerie Roberts (Hayden Planetarium), Harry Schachter (City College of New York), Dr. Arthur Shapiro (New York Downstate Medical Center), Dr. Peter Tolins (Cornell University-New York Hospital), and Harold Weinstock (Plainview Junior High School). ADVANCES OF MODERN SCIENCE {Original title: Triumphs of Modem Science) Ladder Edition Published March, 1967 Copyright © 1964 by Melvin Berger Library of Congress catalogue card number; 64-16481 This abridged edition is published by arrangement with the McGraw-Hill Book Company, the original publishers. Printed in the United States of America Contents To the Reader ' 1. A New Way To Fight Disease 9 2. Chemicals That Cure 3. Vitamins 18 • • 24 30 4. Virus 5. DNA, Master Planner of Life . . . • . ' 37 6. Discovery of the Unconscious 47 7. The Theory of Relativity . . . . . . . . 59 8. Atoms 72 9. X Rays and Radioactivity 83 10. Atomic Energy . 11. The New Astronomy '• • • 109 Glossary This LADDER EDITION has been especially prepared for the beginning reader. It is printed from brand-new plates made from newly set, clear, easy-to-read type. 119 To the Reader Each day brings us news of advances in some area of science. These advances are very important to each of us. It takes years of study to learn about a single area of science. How can we get some understanding of the many areas of modern science? We believe that it is possible to become familiar with the ideas of modern science by looking at several of its major advances. As we read about some of