The Decade Of Discovery In Astronomy And Astrophysics

E-Book Overview

Astronomers and astrophysicists are making revolutionary advances in our understanding of planets, stars, galaxies, and even the structure of the universe itself. "The Decade of Discovery presents a survey" of this exciting field of science and offers a prioritized agenda for space- and ground-based research into the twenty-first century. The book presents specific recommendations, programs, and expenditure levels to meet the needs of the astronomy and astrophysics communities. Accessible to the interested lay reader, the book explores: the technological investments needed for instruments that will be built in the next century; the importance of the computer revolution to all aspects of astronomical research; the potential usefulness of the moon as an observatory site; and policy issues relevant to the funding of astronomy and the execution of astronomical projects. "The Decade of Discovery" will prove valuable to science policymakers, research administrators, scientists, and students in the physical sciences, and interested lay readers.

E-Book Content We ship printed books within 1 business day; personal PDFs are available immediately. The Decade of Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee, Board on Physics and Astronomy, National Research Council ISBN: 0-309-59611-4, 200 pages, 6 x 9, (1991) This PDF is available from the National Academies Press at: Visit the National Academies Press online, the authoritative source for all books from the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council: • Download hundreds of free books in PDF • Read thousands of books online for free • Explore our innovative research tools – try the “Research Dashboard” now! • Sign up to be n
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