Chemistry-iii : Inorganic And Physical Chemistry

E-Book Content

ADVANCED INORGANIC ANALYSIS DR. S.K. AGARWALA M.Sc., Ph.D. Ex. Convener, R.D.C. and Syllabus Committee, Ch. Charan Singh University, Ex. Head, Chemistry Deptt. Retd. Principal, Meerut College, MEERUT (U.P.). DR. KEEMTI LAL M.Sc., Ph.D. Retd. Senior Reader Chemistry Deptt. D.N. College, MEERUT (U.P.). PRAGATIPRAKASHAN PRAGATIPRAKASHAN Educational Publishers Head Office : PRAGATI BHAWAN, 240, W. K. Road, Meerut-250001 Tele Fax : 0121-2643636, 2640642 Phone : 0121-6544642, 6451644 Regd. Office : New Market, Begum Bridge, Meerut-250001 Phone : 0121-2661657 Kindly visit us : e-mail : [email protected] Revised Edition : 2008 ISBN No. : 978-81-8398-523-9 Published by: K.K. Mittal, For Pragati Prakashan, Meerut; Typeset by : Hollerith Computers, Meerut (Phone : 2641747) and Printed at : Arihant Printers, Meerut. CONTENTS Qualitative Inorganic Analysis 1-162 Chapter Page 1. Physical Principles (involved in the Analytical chemistry) 3-34 2. Analysis of Acidic Radicals 35-48 3. Tests for some Combination of Acidic Radicals 49-53 4. Removal ofInterfering Radicals 54-57 5. Reactions Involved in the Tests of Acidic Radicals 58-66 6. Tests of Basic Radicals 67-84 .,. Chemical Reactions Involved in the Tests of Basic Radicals 85-92 8. Analysis ofInsoluble Residues 93-95 9. Some Clues Regarding Mixture Analysis 96-97 10. Semi-Micro Analysis of the Mixture 98-104 11. Semi-Micro Method (Systematic Procedure) 105-109 12. Analysis of Mixture of Rare Metal Salts 110-119 13. SpotTestAnalysis 120-136 14. Chromatography 137-142 15. Preparation of Inorganic Compounds 143-162 '0U," Quantitative Inorganic Analysis I 163-355 16. Volumetric Analysis 165-185 17. Acidimetry and Alkalimetry (Neutralization Titrations) Na2C03 vs HCl 186 186-197 H 2S0 4 t's (NaOH + Na2C03) H 2S0 4 vs (Na2C03 + NaHC0 3 ) 192 Estimation ofNH 3 Problems 193 189 191 18. Oxidation-Reduction (Redox Titrations) H 2 C 2 0 4 vs KMn04 198 198-207 (vi) FeS04(NH4hS04.6H20VS KMn04 199 FeS04' (NH4)S04.6H20 vs K2Cr207 (Internal indicator) Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ vs KMn04 205 Problems 206 204 19. Iodimetry and Iodometry Titrations Iodimetry : 12 vs Na2S03.5H20 208 As 20 3 VS 12 209 Iodometry : K2Cr207 vs Na2S203.5H20 210 211 CuS04 vs Na2S203 212 Cu in brass Available Cl 2 in Bleaching powder 213 Problems 214 208-215 20. Precipitation Titrations AgN0 3 vs NH 4CNS 216 NaCl vs AgN0 3 217 AgN0 3 vs NaCl 218 Cl- in water sample 219 Problems 220 216-221 21. Complexometric Titrations Mg 2+ vs EDTA 225 Ca2+ vs EDTA 226 Ca 2+ vs EDTA (Back titration method) Problems 230 222-230 227 22. Some Inorganic Reagents used in Volumetric Analysis Alkaline KMn04 231 NH 4V0 3 232 KI0 3 233 KBr03 236 Ce(S04h 239 TiCl 3 242 CrS04 244 231-246 23. Conductometric Titrations 247-260 24. Potentiometric Titrations 261-270 25. Flame Photometry 271-275 26. pHmetry 276-283 (vii) 27. Colorimetry 284-291 28. Gravimetric Analysis 292-304 29. Some Gravimetric Estimations (One Constituent) Ag + ~ AgCl 305 Cl- ~ AgCl 306 Pb 2+ ~ PbS0 4 307 Pb 2+ ~ PbCr04 308 305-320 Cu+ ~ CuCNS Fe 2+
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