The Best Of Jane Austen Knits: 27 Regency-inspired Designs

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27 Regency-Inspired Designs Edited by Amy Clarke Moore CONTENTS Introduction Lady Russell Shawl Austen Spencer Sweetheart Bag Margaret Dashwood Shawl Where Jane Lived Cloudette Cardigan Bonnet & Wristlets for Baby Emma Sotherton A Book Cover for Edmund Emma’s Overdress Jane & Knitting A Sensible Shawl Lydia Military Spencer Summer Pelisse Hetty’s Sunday Cuffs Jane Austen, Multitasker Georgiana Darcy’s Fancy Shawl A Vest for Charles Damask Mittens Boteh Shawl Barton Cottage Shrug The Yarn in Jane Austen’s Hands Cottage Tea Cozy Benwick Cardigan Marianne Dashwood Stockings Elegant Gloves Pemberley Reticule Dressmaking in Jane Austen’s Time Regency Bolero An Aran for Frederick Love and Loyalty Pin Ball Georgiana Shawlette Abbreviations Glossary Sources for Yarn Introduction Literature and knitting seem to be a perfect pairing—especially when you consider the work of Jane Austen. Perhaps this is because knitting, like reading, has a meditative, quiet quality. Jane Austen’s novels resonate with knitters for the same reason they have resonated with readers around the world for centuries—Jane Austen captures the essence of humanity: quietly, succinctly, and with rich humor. Her stories are timeless. Through them we gain insight into a world (specifically the Regency era, 1795–1837, in England) that was governed by social class and strict rules of decorum. But at the same time, Jane Austen weaves narratives about people pursuing happiness despite obstacles; remaining true to themselves while still being loyal to their family and friends; and struggling to know themselves—stories that transcend time, place, and situation. Still, there are some who look no further than the surface of Jane Austen’s novels and conclude that they are nothing more than well-written and engaging romances— enjoyable and entertaining. But if you take the time to look deeper, you will continue to find riches of social, political, and economic insight. You’ll find commentary on the significant forces that were shaping our modern world at the time. Consider some of the world events that were taking place during Jane Austen’s brief lifetime—1775– 1817: the Industrial Revolution; the publication of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations and Mary Wollstonecraft’s The Vindication of the Rights of Women; the American Revolution; the French Revolution; the Napoleonic Wars; the formation of the United Kingdom; and the abolishment of slavery in the British Empire. But what do these long-ago events have to do with our pursuit of knitting as pastime today in the twenty-first century? Consider that during Jane’s lifetime, almost any cloth she came into contact with was most likely handspun, handwoven or handknitted, and naturally dyed. As crafters, you know how much time and energy would have been devoted daily to the hand-making of the textiles that we use and depend upon for every moment of our lives, and yet take for granted—cloth is literally disposable in our current times. We have the luxury of choosing to make specialty pieces by hand—of enjoying the process and not being stressed out by the fact if we don’t finish our garment, we might just freeze. That shift occurred during Jane Austen’s lifetime, and as we knit and enjoy her narratives, we can appreciate how Jane not only captured this pivotal time in our history, but helped shaped the way we understand it. —Amy Clarke Moore Photo: Sheryl Craig Lady Russell Shawl Joy Gerhardt Lady Russell, Anne Elliot’s close friend in Persuasion, is a proper and practical noble lady. She has only good intentions when she advises Anne to marry for wealth and status rather than love, however misguided those intentions were. This unusually shaped shawl is a fusion of elegance and practicality. As a hybrid between a half-circle shaw
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