History Behind The Headlines. The Origin Of Conflicts Worldwide

E-Book Overview

For important background information on long-term ethnic, religious, political, territorial and economic conflicts between nations today, there isn't a more targeted ongoing print series than History Behind the Headlines. Each biannual volume includes approximately 30 entries arranged geographically by continent, then by country, then chronologically by start date of the conflict. The entries are complete with overview essays, photographs, maps, charts, primary document excerpts, short biographies, current status and much more.

E-Book Content

H ISTORY BEHIND THE HEADLINES H ISTORY BEHIND THE HEADLINES The Origins of Conflicts Worldwide VOLUME 2 Sonia G. Benson, Editor Editor Meghan Appel O’Meara Gale Group Staff Editorial: Bernard Grunow, Project Editor; Kathy Droste, Nancy Matuszak, Allison McNeill, and Gerda-Ann Raffaelle, Contributing Editors; Jason Everett, Associate Contributing Editor; Rita Runchock, Managing Editor. Permissions: Maria Franklin, Permissions Manager; Debra Freitas, Permissions Associate. Composition: Mary Beth Trimper, Manager, Composition and Electronic Prepress; Evi Seoud, Assistant Manager, Composition Purchasing and Electronic Prepress. Manufacturing: Dorothy Maki, Manufacturing Manager; Rhonda Williams, Buyer. Imaging and Multimedia Content: Barbara J. Yarrow, Imaging and Multimedia Content Manager; Randy Bassett, Image Database Supervisor; Dean Dauphinais, Senior Imaging Specialist; Dan Newell, Imaging Specialist; Pamela A. Reed, Imaging Coordinator. Product Design: Kenn J. Zorn, Product Design Manager; Pamela A. E. Galbreath, Senior Art Director; Michael Logusz, Art Director. While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information presented in this publication, Gale does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained herein. Gale accepts no payment for listing; and inclusion in