Dungeons & Dragons For Dummies

E-Book Overview

The fun and easy way to get started in this popular fantasy role-playing game Market research indicates that 4 million American males, ages 8 to 45, play Dungeons & Dragons, while 7.6 million who haven't played say they want to learn how. The popularity of recent sci-fi and fantasy movies has also boosted interest. D&D is complex to learn, and this friendly guide helps the curious locate a game, understand the rules, choose or create a character, follow proper game etiquette, and even move up in the hierarchy to become a Dungeon Master. The four-page foldout cheat sheet will include markers and a model dungeon layout that serves as an actual game board, allowing readers to play using this book and nothing else.

E-Book Content

Dungeons & Dr a gons ® FOR D U M m IE S ‰ by Bill Slavicsek and Richard Baker F o rew o rd by K im M o han Editorial Manager for DU N G EO N S & DR A G O N S Dungeons & Dragons ® FOR DUMmIES ‰ by Bill Slavicsek and Richard Baker Foreword by Kim Mohan Editorial Manager for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Dungeons & Dragons® F or Dum m ies® Published by W iley P ub lish ing, Inc . 1 1 1 R iv er S tr eet H o bo k en , N J 0 7 0 3 0 -5 7 7 4 www.wiley.com C o p yr ig ht © 2 0 0 5 by W iley Publishin g , In c ., In dia n a p o lis, In dia n a Published by W iley Publishin g , In c ., In dia n a p o lis, In dia n a Published sim ulta n eo usly in C a n a da N o p a r t o f this p ublic a tio n m a y be r ep r o duc ed, sto r ed in a r etr iev a l system o r tr a n sm itted in a n y fo r m o r by a n y m ea n s, elec tr o n ic , m ec ha n ic a l, p ho to c o p yin g , r ec o r din g , sc a n n in g o r o ther w ise, ex c ep t a s p er m itted un der S ec tio n s 1 0 7 o r 1 0 8 o f the 1 9 7 6 U n ited S ta tes C o p yr ig ht A c t, w itho ut eithe
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