Effective Prototyping For Software Makers

E-Book Overview

Much as we hate to admit it, most prototyping practice lacks a sophisticated understanding of the broad concepts of prototypingand its strategic position within the development process. Often we overwhelm with a high fidelity prototype that designs us into a corner. Or, we can underwhelm with a prototype with too much ambiguity and flexibility to be of much use in the software development process.This book will help software makersdevelopers, designers, and architectsbuild effective prototypes every time: prototypes that convey enough information about the product at the appropriate time and thus set expectations appropriately.This practical, informative book will help anyonewhether or not one has artistic talent, access to special tools, or programming abilityto use good prototyping style, methods, and tools to build prototypes and manage for effective prototyping.

E-Book Content

Critical Acclaim for Effective Prototyping for Software Makers! Effective Prototyping for Software Makers is the first book in our field that covers the breadth and depth of prototyping methods. Other books and articles focus on a particular prototyping method, but in this book you learn about wireframes, card sorting, storyboard prototyping, Wizard of Oz prototypes, and more! Renown HCI experts Arnowitz, Arent, and Berger have written a comprehensive book that is filled with practical knowledge, passion for prototyping, savvy insights, and clear examples. Effective Prototyping for Software Makers is the sine qua non resource for prototyping and should be required reading for students, HCI practitioners, software developers, and product managers. This book is, quite simply, the best resource on prototyping that you can buy. Chauncey Wilson, Usability Manager, The MathWorks Artists sketch before they paint; writers produce outlines and drafts; architects make drawings and models; aircraft designers
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